An Evening Stroll with Bailey and the Rebel

…my camera,  that is. Although some would say that’s me.  *sigh* ….there’s always a critic, isn’t there.

   New England can be a dreary place come January and February, when all the snowbirds have scattered down South.  I’ll admit I have dreams of a little seaside condo with sugar white sand and gulf waters where I can flee those bitter grey days.

However, THIS time of year…. is glorious. 


16 thoughts on “An Evening Stroll with Bailey and the Rebel”

  1. Karen, thanks for sharing your beautiful New England fall colors and sky shots. What a beautiful place you live in. I love the old rock wall lining the drive. I can just picture a big roaring fire going in your house when it gets colder.

  2. These are SOOOO stunning! LOVE these pics…Bailey is adorable!! Not only do you have decorating skill…you have such an artistic eye!! Great stuff! Have a superb weekend!!

  3. Glorious!!!!! I loved fall in Michigan! It was perfect. The leaves haven't even started to change here in South Carolina yet!!! I miss fall!!!!! Your pictures are just stunning. Thanks for sharing!!!!

  4. Great photos and I've got a Rebel as well; great camera although I had to divorce Nikon to buy the Rebel. Sad days when that happened but there's happiness all 'round now.

  5. So beautiful, Karen. You do live in a wonderful place. Bailey is SO cute!! Hey you can come and stay with me in Jan & Feb. 🙂

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