Everybody needs alittle…

  That’s the slogan and I have a funny story.  Obviously, slogans are meant to be catchy..something to remember, perhaps even raise an eyebrow.   Coke is “the real thing”, Pepsi -“You’ve got alot to live and Pepsi’s got alot to give”.  The old Chesterfield cigarettes “Blow some my way”,  A T & T “Reach out and touch someone”.  Motel 6 “We’ll leave the Light On”.  Nike – “Just Do It” .

 Roba Dolce says….

…and that’s a simple enough statement. I like it, it’s catchy and it’s true.   But it’s a statement of a dangerous flavor when the containers are mistakenly filled by a machine to produce a  set of boobs effect. We opened a container from our local Stop & shop recently and what stared out at us was a choclate set of plump breast-like gelato, nipples and all. (you can imagine this in PINK) The  factory was called and the equipment was revised..it was merely a glitch in the system, but oh did I laugh. That’s a little too much subliminal advertising.
 To answer a few questions…
My two favorite flavors – Raspberry chocolate Almond and Dark Chocolate Chunk
Pistachio… it doesn’t get any better

The best way to eat this stuff is slightly thawed out of the freezer. I pop it in the microwave for 15 seconds.  I also like to wedge the raspberry chocolate almond between two chocolate cookies for a sandwich.

I left out a few bits of information…

Current flavors with more to come
Coconut Gelat
Dark Chocolate Chunk Gelato – for Chocolate lovers, it’s the bomb.
Raspberry Chocolate Almond Gelato – My absolute favorite
Pistachio Gelato- dreamy creamy
Wildberry Gelato
Blood Orange Sorbetto
Lemon Sorbetto
Mango Sorbetto
Raspberry Sorbetto

 The gelato and sorbetto can also be found at the following stores – I ommitted these in yesterday’s post:
(if you don’t see the Roba Dolce brand label in these stores, it means the product is under their private label)

Winn Dixie
Shop Rite
Negotiations are in the works with Target, but it’s not a done deal yet. Fingers crossed!

OK, getting off my gelato soap box now.

7 thoughts on “Everybody needs alittle…”

  1. Okay, as much as I despise the overused OMG… OMG… that is the funniest thing I've heard in awhile 🙂 Would you believe we don't have a single one of those stores around this area? But if it makes it into Target, I am so there 🙂 I would have a hard time picking a flavor. Sigh…

  2. Oh, man! We have none of those stores. We do have some neat shops here in Chicago that sell scoops of gelato and I had my first taste {and love at first taste} a few years ago. I'll have to scout around!


  3. I love the pistachio:)…will be looking for the Raspberry Chocolate Almond….I used to be able to buy Coffee at our local Stop and Shop…loved that too…

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