
   I’ve always been a pretty active person, and shoveling shit, hauling water buckets and chucking hay bales has been part of my repertoire for over 30 years.  So… some muscle ache and pain is to be expected, right?  But lately, my 51 year old self has been in chronic pain.. everywhere.  Every muscle is sore and stiff, especially the bigger ones – the traps, the lats,  arms, the glutes, the calves, thigh muscles.. everything.
   A visit to my GP and a lot of bloodwork, twice, revealed all looks good there.  An Xray shows stable degeneration in the arthritic neck, but nothing horrible.  Off to the rheumatologist I went for further examination and she concluded I am a classic case of fibromyalgia.
   Because I am on meds for high blood pressure and I truly hate being on meds of any kind, I am not going to add pills to this regimen as I am sensitive to just about every med there is anyway.  I am looking for organic ways to improve this fibro pain, and so far what I come up with is mild exercise and good sleep. (ha!)   It’s hard to exercise when every muscle in your body says OUCH with every step.  But, I will do it.  Sleep comes easy but STAYING asleep does not.  Not sure how I’m going to work on that.  Another pill was recommended.  *sigh    I hate that cycle.
    So, if any of you has experience with this ghost disease, would you be willing to share your coping methods/remedies?  I’m all ears (and muscle pain).