Fire & Rain

Two years ago I stepped out of my life’s box and started a small artisan gallery with a friend. She and her husband had just purchased a large building in town, formerly a christmas shop, and she was in the process of moving her toy store business into a portion of that building.  Off to the side, there was what we used to call “the ribbon room”…and the natural light wood floors and beams in the ceiling would lend itself nicely to a warm and inviting gallery. We jumped in with both feet, creating Fire & Rain Artisan Gallery & Gifts. 

The name … Missy and I both love Martha’s Vineyard and music.  We were looking for words that embodied elements you use to create things.  One day while humming James Taylor’s Fire & Rain, we realized it just fit.  Never mind how many times I’ve had a customer come in looking for fireplace equipment or James Taylor memoribilia.

Two years of  meeting wonderful local New England artisans, and some as far away as California. Two years of Gift Show trips to New York, daily chatter with friends and neighbors, heartship, parental worry, triumphs and tragedies shared over morning coffee (and multigrain bagels with cream cheese from Dunkin Donuts!)  and.. ok sometimes a baked potato pizza.  If you’ve never had one, you’re missing sumthin. Two years of wonderful.

The media would have you believe the recession is over, but I beg to differ. Five shops in neighboring towns have closed down in the past few weeks…and I see vacant store fronts everywhere.  A nearby KFC is now empty.  If the colonel can’t even sell chicken, we’re in trouble.

So it is with heavy heart that Missy and I have made the difficult decision to close the doors. She has invested five years (and a hefty mortgage!) in her toy business, and together we’ve run Fire & Rain for the past two. Both were housed in the big barn, such an awesome space.  There is simply not enough business to make a case for staying open, and the near horizon doesn’t show promise for change any time soon.

It’s time to turn another page.. but I’m sure going to miss the previous chapter.  Thank you to all who have made it such a wonderful journey, and to my family who have given their unwavering support.

 I keep telling myself  “When one door closes, another one opens”… I just didn’t want to close that door.

19 thoughts on “Fire & Rain”

  1. Karen,

    I am absolutely kicking myself that I didn't make it to Fire and Rain in time. I completely understand your choice, but am deeply saddened that the beauty you bring to the world through your shop will no longer be available.

    I hope you have your eye on whatever is next for you and I look forward to reading about your plans and schemes.


  2. I'm so sorry. These times are so hard for small businesses. I see evidence of it everywhere. I hope you can pursue a new dream very soon.


  3. Ohhh, that is truly sad and disappointing. What beautiful things and so reflective of you. Yet, I sense the hope in your words of the next thing waiting around the corner.

  4. Oh I am really so sorry! I TOTALLY know how this feels.

    My husband was recently encouraging me to think about opening another consignment shop (I had to close mine years ago for a myriad of reasons) and I'm thinking, but just don't know. It's so risky.

    Aren't you glad you did it though? It looks like it was a kick shop and I would have totally shopped there if you were near.


  5. So sorry it didn't work out. No fault of your own, it is so true the economy is still definitely not looking good. Although our president says it is, and I guess I missed the lesson in college economics that says when the president says it's true, it's true. hmm. I'll hold out hope that more and even better doors will open for you.

  6. This economy is taking it's toll on so many wonderful retail shops. I'm so sorry the two of you were also affected by it. How sad. Hope that one day you can again take on something similar. From the photos I can honestly say that had I lived in your area that it would have been one of my favorite places to shop.


  7. I wish I could have shopped there….it all looks lovely, and just the type of place I like to go to.
    Love, love, love that wagon!
    Sorry to hear that you had to close. I hope your next adventure is just as rewarding.

  8. My heart is broke for you! You will have another great journey! I wish I could have stopped by and experience this special place.

  9. I really understand your sadness. And yes, we are still in a recession. And wonderful shops like yours are the ones taking the big hit. And we, the consumers, are suffering too. Mom and Pop shops made this country as far as our orginal retail institutions. With good customer service, one-of-a-kind products, and capturing the spirit of the heart of the town they reside in!
    A new door will open, Karen. I am excited to see what it is for you 🙂
    Wishing you peace and grace in this hard time.
    xo, misha

  10. I'm so sorry Karen! My heart breaks for you too. There are so many vacant store fronts everywhere…really every place we have been to. It is just sad. Very sad. The small business person just can't make it in today's world. It is just a shame. I hope you can find another fulfilling passion! Like you said…when one door closes…

  11. Small independent businesses that sell things that people don't think they NEED are going to continue to suffer for a long time. I know what you've dealt with, having my own small business to be concerned about. Once the consumers wake up and feel comfortable enough to spend money on 'luxuries' again, there will be far fewer places for them to shop. Anyone wanna buy some roses?

  12. I can't tell you how much I will miss Fire and Rain AND The Monkey. They have not only supplied me with gifts and beauty they have also been my place to stop in for a visit whenever I felt the need or want. I am so bummed and will ache along with you both for the chapter that will soon be closed. Love you both!!!! See you on the other side! XXXXXX

  13. Your song says it all: I've seen fire and I've seen rain… I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end… I've seen lonely times when I couldn't find a friend, but I always thought that I'd see you again.

    I'm sad for you both, and for a world where we are more interested in looking beyond our borders for food, comfort, sustaining goods and employment than in our own community. Think globally, shop locally!

    I hope I do "see you (both) again", and keep the friendship growing.

  14. I am so sad to see Fire & Rain close.
    I know it was way more than a business venture…it was a dream. But the biggest regret would be to have never done it at all. It was an awesome shop because of you.
    The next chapter, whatever it may be, will be awesome, too.

    ♥ H-

  15. I am sad to hear that.
    I'm sure it must have been a difficult decision.
    Maybe one day you will be able to open another wee gift shop. But as you say, one door closes and another opens…who knows what is waiting in the wings for you.

  16. I was so sad to see this. I really loved your sense of style and your eye for design. As others have said….better things are around the corner!

  17. I am so sorry to hear this! But, I understand. 🙁
    I heard through the grapevine & I was going to be stopping in this week For my fathers Carvings, and I would of found out then for sure?Saddened by this news. Gay & Mr. Frank

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