18 thoughts on “The Fish Tale Continues…”

  1. How cute! I read your other fish post and I agree! It's all about respect and honoring our time here on this planet! I hate to see the disregard so many have for our God given blessings! ♥

  2. I have to share this with you! When I click on the link to make a comment the box opens with a shortened version of your blog name…"This Old Ho…e 2!" LOL!
    Anyway…you can put the little pookie in an outdoor pond. Just fill a bag with his water, leave it in the pond for an hour or so, then open it! These guys are pretty resillient!

  3. Hehe, I knew goldfish would have a better home and a friend soon. Funny to see that you also use the term 'other side of the tracks'. We do too. Or 'wrong side of the tracks'

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