
 After a two-week delay, the flooring finally arrived and the crew is working at lightning speed. The boards are made of eastern white pine, from 14 to 18″ wide.  They’ll be installed throughout the house within the next week.  Once that’s done, we can install the kitchen island and toilets, vanities, etc.
Keeping Room into kitchen….
Master Bedroom…
 Mike’s office….. let there be light!
The upstairs hallway between kids bedrooms….
The fireplace in the family room and up into the loft has almost reached the roof…..
The shrubbery for the backyard is waiting to be planted.  There are boxwoods, Lace cap hydrangea, knockout roses, spirea, andromeda and two large evergreen type tree/shrubs that will live on either side of the mammoth window at the back of the house.  I forget their name.
The barn/garage truss’ are up, rain has slowed the job.
And this is mygoat shed  my chicken coop my painting studio Mike’s garden tool shed.  Notice the old window at the back of the shed… taken from the original Chester house, which is the  portion  you see in the background here..

8 thoughts on “Floored”

  1. How exciting! Such progress being made. I could gush and gush about all the features I see… but I'll contain myself! Makes me want to come and tour it for myself though… it reminds me of the HGTV dream homes!

  2. The part of the house with the arched window, looks like you have your own chapel. Love it. I could totally live in the garden tool shed.

  3. Painting studio vs. tool shed? I say let him have the tool shed and build a bigger more fabulous painting studio. You do paint, don't you?? LOL


  4. Every girl needs a play house, and that little studio building looks like it will fit the bill for you quite nicely. Tool shed? Nah. Karen's playhouse? … now you're talking.

    The floors, the kitchen, did you say that's the master bedroom? Wow!


  5. I love it and could go on and on….but let's just say that right now it is looking SUPERB! Everything is coming together and soon you will actually be living in paradise! Isn't that exciting???

  6. Heavens to Betsy, girl!! Such beauty! Love the floors; oh heck, I LOVE everything!!

    Are those two trees some sort of cedar?

  7. truly, it's a lovely house that will become a treasured home. wow. i would LOVE it. I'm grateful for what I've got, definitely, but i love houses, and would love a new, old home – like yours.

    Wait. Where's my bedroom?

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