Forcing the Issue

    Unrelated to post title… Did you know?… No woman ever shot a man while he was doing the dishes….Just Sayin… in case someone in particular is reading.

   I drove up to our old house today and cut some Forsythia and Quince… I can do that because we still own the place. *heavy sigh*    

Have you ever done this?  Force spring bloomers in a vase?  More beautiful than a spring bouquet you’d buy at the grocery store.

25 thoughts on “Forcing the Issue”

  1. Oh- I think I lost my comment- Darn it~ anyway…I said I love this kind of forcing. I need to find some branches that aren't buried in snow and do this.

    Now…I am leaving link on my blog to you tomorrow…because I am taking your name in vain…well…kinda. Seriously, I had a dream about you and another "chicken coop" gal and I did a post about the crazy dream. So, I don't want to FORCE you but you might want to check out my blog tomorrow. Hope that is okay to do that~ Hugs-Diana

  2. I have never done that. Didn't even know you could! And this is where my black thumb shines through! I love forsythia! Can't wait to see yours as they bloom!

  3. Now if I can just remember to take a knife down the road with me I can cut some Forsythia. That is after I put on my waders, I might have to swim part of the way, all this darn snow is melting fast in the 65 degree temps we had today!

  4. I have my forsythia in vases as I type this…any day now, there will be spring in my farmhouse cottage!

    I thought the 'old'house had sold, Karen. Maybe as the weather breaks it will!
    xo, misha

  5. They're so pretty even before they bloom. I know my mother-in-law has a quince bush/tree. Hmmmmm, I wonder if she'd mind if I snipped a few?

  6. This is one of my favorite late winter activities! (You can do pussy willow, too) It helps me keep things in perspective … spring will be here soon. This, and the fact that temps today will be in the unseasonable-60s today! 🙂 If you're looking for me, you can find me in the garden.

  7. I love forcing though I do not have a forsythia so I'm out of luck there! Will have to enjoy yours when it blooms…love, too, a man who does dishes! hahahahaha… xo

  8. I love to do this too.. we've had some spring-like weather this week with days in the upper 60's. Hard to believe since last week was -17! Gotta laugh about Arkansas weather!

  9. *runs out to yard to lop off some forsythia branches while neighbor is not looking since it's their bush*


  10. I didn't even know you could do that. I'm in Texas where it was 12 degrees last week and 80 today. Our trees are in a state of confusion as are the birds and squirrels! Have a nice day

  11. I have not forced blooms…it looks so pretty and so does your home. I read your comment on the backyard bird count over at Cherry's in the garden…if you drop by my blog there is a little bird house at the top on the right, click on it and it will take you to the backyard bird count…we count birds in our yard and submit the numbers so the scientists can follow bird patterns and habits….please do join us.

  12. That used to be one of my favorite things to do when I lived in the old house with the huge Forsythia bush. It was like a herald of spring. Alas, my poor little Forsythia bush here is too small … and hidden under a huge mound of snow!

  13. okay….one more thing to add to my to do list {since i've never done the force thing before} and since it involves flowers, i'm moving it to the top of the list 🙂

  14. Karen, the forsythia and quince will be beautiful when they bloom! I love flowering quince it's one of my favorite spring flowering bushes! Now I'm off to see where that crazy gnome got to!

    Kat 🙂

  15. Well, the road to hell… As you know I had good intentions of cutting my annual bouquet of forsythia to force, but so far – it has not happened. Tomorrow is another day…sigh! Now to find some quince…

  16. I have never been too successful at this…maybe I am cutting them too soon? Anyways I will enjoy watching yours grow…I hope you keep taking photos of them!

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