George Washington slept here

  No he didn’t… but we did, finally!!!

 Sitting out on the back porch this morning on our folding chairs (no porch furniture yet)  with coffee in hand, gazing out over the fields,  dogs wandering their yard, birds chirping and the heat still at bay, it’s a beautiful thing. 

   Still trips to be made from old house to new old house, still many many boxes to unpack, pictures to hang, curtains to iron and hang (hate that job) and just general “stuff” to organize… but hey, look at how neat and organized my pots and refrigerator are.  How long they stay that way is another thing altogether..

19 thoughts on “George Washington slept here”

  1. Just don't buy one more pot or pan and it will stay that neat! My problem is I always find more to buy…

    Oh, as for the green shag carpet? Nope, was just kidding on that, but I did buy a very large white shag rug for one of our guest bedrooms last year since the wood floors are cold in the winter time. Awesome rug that I found at Lowes. It's a thick shag… not that cheapo stuff.

    Glad to hear your have everything under one roof now. Now you can relax as you unpack.


  2. if the fridge and the pantry stay organized like that, then I think you'll need a little therapy.
    Praying all is well and safe in this old house.
    Love ya big bunches,

  3. Did you hear that giant thud? That was me jumping for JOY for you!!! Label your shelves of pots and pans, so you can remember how organized they were once..joking! I am so happy for you! I'll be glad to come and iron your curtains, if we all pitch in, you can spend more time on your patio!!

  4. That sounds like a perfect way to start the day, relaxing on the porch, coffee, birds…perfect.
    Lucky you

  5. So happy for you all! But honestly, I was so excited about your fridg!
    Organic milk & eggs, veggies & fruits! 😉
    As you know, I try here and they actually are getting used to fresh food!
    ( I hid summer squash in home made pork fried rice tonight & they did not even notice!) Enjoy your slice of heaven!

  6. Hmmm. Have you heard any stories or tales about the house? Ghosts? Previous owners who don't want to leave?

    One of the old homes I have owned, a 1910 Craftsman, had all of this. It was exciting and a little creepy at the same time!

    Put this on your list. Finding out as much stuff-beyond basic history- about the old homested as possible!! 'Cause I know you don't have anything else to do! Ha!

    Cannot wait to see it all come together, Karen! So happy for you and your family!
    xo, misha

  7. Oh, we have all been there haven't we? Such a lot to do that it all seems overwhelming. You're getting there. Just keep it slow.

  8. Just don't let any boys/men get something out or put something in the fridge. At least at my house he always puts things in the wrong place and at a crooked angle.
    The pot-cupboard is as impressive as your house. Congratulations and may you have a long and happy time in your old house that is your new home 😉

  9. Welcome Home, Karen…

    I see you've done quite a bit since I went on my trip- I'll see you soon and catch up.

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