The Gift of an Ordinary Day

 It’s the book I’m reading right now… (love it) … but it’s also the overwhelming need I had today  to recognize and truly appreciate the day before me. 

Right now in this moment… I need to appreciate that my kids are healthy and happy in the direction their life is taking.. we are not losing our house (yet!) to foreclosure, we are not struggling with a catastrophic illness, we still have jobs.  I went for a ride through the beautiful  early autumn woods on my horse.  MY HORSE! Something that was only a dream as a kid growing up in the shadow of the big city.  I stopped at the grocery store on the way home to pick up food for a refrigerator that is always stocked.  Then I took my other horse, ben, for a walk down the street in our neighborhood, admiring old homes and fading gardens without fear of being hit by a bullet.  There’s a guy sitting at home watching football who gives a damn whether I’m hit by that bullet.  Tonight we will go to the birthday party of a good friend and we are praying that he has many many more birthdays to look forward to.   

It’s not a perfect life – never judge a book by it’s cover and all that –  but today I have the gift of an ordinary and extraordinary day.  Life is good.

Doe anyone know what this is?  There are about twenty of these growing up out of the pine forest floor. They are not together.. but scattered about five feet from each other.

10 thoughts on “The Gift of an Ordinary Day”

  1. Perfect words for today, you post was very timely.

    Just saw those same berries in the woods this weekend and wondered too what they are. I like how they just seem to come out of nowhere and add a pop of red amongst the leaves and grass.

  2. I needed to read this today…and settle down and let this be a normal day. My stress is taking over..and your post helped to lessen that…thanks!

  3. No clue what those are? But such beautiful photos, that make it look quite extraordinary in an ordinary sort of way 🙂

  4. Hi Karen,
    it sounds pretty perfect to me. It often is the way you look at things that makes you appreciate life or not.
    The red 'berries' look like Zantedeschia to me.

  5. Catching joy my friend. Sometimes a second of it, sometimes a minute – makes no matter. Just be on the look out for it and life is suddenly better…ILY!!!!!

  6. Jack-in-the-pulpit berries: They form on the stalks after the flower fades, then redden with fall. We don't notice them before their color comes, but they are beautiful, aren't they?

    Talk to you soon,

  7. You have such a great eye! Thank you for taking photos for me! 🙂 We are so blessed to have such wonderful spirits such as you & your family in our life. Thank you my dear!

  8. Karen – I believe that is the red berries from aJack in the Pulpit plant but I may be wrong. My Mother always told me that anyway!

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