Got Spring?

It appears that perhaps… we do.  Dare I say it?   The temps have risen some and the air has that wet earthy smell. The chickens are roaming, the horses winter blankets have been washed and hung up for the season, shedding season has begun for the minis and WE HAVE SEEDS!

The seed pots are dirt filled, ready to be seeded. 

We’ve got work to do out in the gardens and we’re ready! … the question is
whetherSpring is going to be fickle.  What a long cold winter it has been.

 Last fall the Mr. shrunk the big vegetable garden by half…
the size was just too overwhelming and the weeds got the better of us. 

He also took down the rotting raised beds in the backyard and replaced them
with new ones, a little higher and easier for picking and tending. 

This section of fence line below.. to the right in the picture.. needs something. You can see the mulch line.   We’re not happy with so much exposed fenceline.. that’s the dog yard behind it.  There are perennials planted there and they look ok, but they haven’t filled out the way we want them to and tend to look scraggly towards mid to late summer.  In winter it just looks bare.  Any suggestions?   I’m thinking greenery of some sort.. maybe boxwood? 

 I’ve also got another little project I want to do this Spring… a small fairy garden at the base of this tree….

Can you see a little fairy door nestled at the base?.. and a little gravel path (aquarium gravel).
perhaps some garden furniture and some wee garden plants and birdhouse. 
I just placed a wee order on Amazon for just those very things… stay tuned!
More fairy gardens…

What a terrific project to work on with a child or grandchild. ….

Consider a fairy garden of your own this spring… it can be as simple or
as elaborate as you wish to create…
And if you do so, come back and share it with me and I’ll post your progress!
If you’ve already done a fairy garden and have pictures you are willing to share,
send them to me at
and I’ll post them fo others to see.

It’s a SPRING DAY, people…
go out and ENJOY!  Even if you have to dance in the rain!