Grab the Coffee and donuts

    First up – WordPress vs. Blogger –  any advice? What’s your experience?  As a creative person, I know Blogger is limited, but I’m used to it.  And Blogger is Free… that’s kinda nice. But did you know… Blogger is owned by Google.. and that means your content is owned by Google… and at any time whatsoever, they can just turn it off, be rid of  it, bye bye.  That means your blog and it’s contents. Gone.  *sigh… did not know that, kinda defeats the purpose of being a log for you, your friends and family over the long haul.

     Wordpress is more “technical”.. not as easy at first, needs some patience, of which I am in short supply, always..just my nature. And.. it’s not free. If I understand correctly, the most basic costs about $100. a year.  If that’s all I’d have to spend on it, it’s worth it to OWN your content and know it is not going to be erased by parent company. However, their security isn’t as high (google has much bigger security program) , bigger chance of hack with WordPress. Then there’s the tricky issue of transferring your blog to WordPress… not easy from what I have read.   Can any of you tell me your experience?  I think a few of my blog friends use WordPress. 

   *warning – If you didn’t know already, I  curse sometimes.  Blame it on my NY upbringing, except the rest of my family isn’t afflicted.  I know it’s not ladylike, but for me it fills the need, underscores the offense in the way I need to express it, a little satisfaction when talking about a less than satisfying situation, like a quick punch in the gut. Since I hate physical violence, the curse word does the job. 
   Next…how about B*ll O’Re*lly being fired from F@x!.. Ha!… Nothing turns me off more than an arrogant holier than thou a$$h*le, couldn’t have happened to a better guy –  don’t let the door hit ya! But let’s be honest, he’s being let go because of multiple sexual harassment issues –  and F@x didn’t fire him until sponsors started dropping like flies.  He also got a hefty 25 mil golden parachute… so they lose points there. It wasn’t their ethics that took him down.  No.. once again.. money.   I do feel at least the vernal pools at the edges of the swamp are beginning to drain.  There’s that. 
   Speaking of the swamp, how many flagrant outright lies, hypocricies, conflicts of interest,outright abuses of his priviledges and incompetencies is Agent Orange going to get away with before we collectively say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.  If you’re still proud of your new POTUS, I have to hand it to you, you’re able to overlook an awful lot for the sake of  the “agenda”… although.. does anyone really understand the Agenda?  If you do, please explain it to 45, because clearly, it’s lost on him.  Never in the history of EVER has there been a POTUS who flubbed, lied, mispoke, lied, abused his power, lied… and still had a base unwilling to acknowledge ANY of it.  So.. freak’n… strange, this acceptance or ignoring of the obvious ills.  SO strange.  It’s no longer about left vs. right.  Morals vs  none is more like it.  And his tweets?  Honestly…..  on some level 45 is mentally ill. No other explanation for it. 
    On a health note – Because I had some worrisome symptoms I went through a bunch of tests recently and thankfully all turned out well. Just minor annoyances of menopause , which I have apparently hit full steam ahead.  My advice here – get the health screenings regularly. Don’t skip them, they are important… especially as we age.   I turned 52 and my body said.. OK girl, time to throw some sh*t at you, just a reminder you’re no spring chicken.  
      Sleep is still  currently an issue for me – if I get five hours all in a row, it’s a good night.  My fibromyalgia reminds me on a daily basis that’s not enough sleep, so I am trying to find methods for getting more of it.  Currently my fibro doc has me on melatonin, and my OBGYN has put me on low dose of estradiol and progesterone.  In the long term these things aren’t great – they up your cancer risk. But to get me back on the right track they want me to try them short term.  They had me try a low dose of antidepressants as a sleep aid, didn’t work.  I already employ good sleep habits, I read before bed, I don’t eat shortly before turning in, no caffeine,  we go to bed at a decent time, always have been up before dawn but that’s not the issue.  I fall asleep without a problem, but staying asleep is another story…. have you had any of these struggles?  and what have you tried that actually works?   Things like Advil PM don’t have much effect, and you don’t really want to get into a pill taking habit either.   I can knock myself out with Benadryl, but I am a zombie the next day. 
       As for our current weight loss goals – the Mr. and I started Nutrisystem in January and he has lost 45 pounds – I kid you not.  The program works if you stick with it, strictly.  He looks and feels so much better.  So why didn’t I stay on it?  It’s full of prepackaged food, not all of it healthy – snacks are oreo type cookies, chocolate cupcakes, meals include pasta, rice, sodium, sodium.   Sounds unlikely, right?  It’s the portions that make the diet work.  I just really want to eat real, fresh, whole foods – so … I quit it.  I have not yet lost the 15 lbs I want to lose.  Now that I know I’m not dying and I can push myself with the exercise, I have started the weight loss goals again, let’s see where I get by summer.  One thing I did learn through nutrisystem is… it’s all about calorie intake – and .. PORTIONS.  
     Last but definitely not least… my boy, my baby, my youngest child, has turned 21. Oh, how time flies…. 
     The family spent Easter giving a large donation to the Tribe at Mohegan Sun – a delicious buffet lunch and then some obsessive lever pulling, button punching slot machine worship ensued.  I think half  the state of Connecticut was in attendance as well. 
     I love this boy beyond measure, he is kind, considerate, appreciative, inquisitive, and just as stubborn and thick headed as his mother….but thankfully he has not picked up my tendency toward profanity.   I’m also very grateful for this extended family of ours – we are so very lucky to live near each other, to be able to spend time together, to recognize the value of doing so.        –  It’s all good.