Greenhouse Project

   Our rising Son is at that age where he knows everything, and everything you think you know is stupid.   (enter my mother, chuckling at the irony…paybacks, apples not falling far from the tree, surely you remember when..….)   The problem is, I remember all too clearly!…

We forced him to tag along with us on errands yesterday and I noticed while having lunch at Chilis, I think rather than be seen with his parents he would have evaporated into the upholstery of the booth if he could have found a way.

  So this morning when he said  “Dad, remember we talked about the greenhouse, want to build it together today?”… you know… my heart kinda skipped a beat or two.  The moon will surely be blue tonight, I’ll have to remember to look. 

18 thoughts on “Greenhouse Project”

  1. Two guys with hammers – send them my way Karen. Love your new greenhouse and especially the three Amish stars on the side. Cute supervisor in the last picture too. Smart doggie, staying out of the way.

  2. Great pictures, great post……and I can vouch for this…..the older your kids get, the smarter you are.
    Be patient.
    He will get it, right around when he is 25 or so.

  3. Oh my, love seeing them work together!! Amazing watching them grow up, isn't it!! When they get finished there, I have a few projects… Just sayin'! xo

  4. Those sons only get better. Ours is now married with 3 beautiful children and appreciates us more every day!
    What a great day you guys had yesterday. Perfect weather. Now I'm off to convince the blacksmith I need stars on my garden shed!

  5. Karen- I remember all too well those days of my kids wishing I were invisble! Enjoy every moment of this boy/man. Soon he will be grown and then he will return to love you opennly! xxoo diana

  6. Silly me I got tears in my eyes that your son asked your husband to build a greenhouse — they remember these things forever and take pride in them and you get a greenhouse! It doesn't get much better than that! Joni

  7. I love LOVE LOVE your greenhouse. It's awesome. What will you grow? that would be like a dream to me. In fact, my husband built me a planting shelf and area and I have not gotten out there to clean it up and organize. I adore gardening. Blogging, sometimes 'writing', photography, reading and gardening. That's Jeannie.

    Yes, I agree with Red Couch; love the blue eggs in the nest pic as well. It's stunning

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