Guess I’m not quitting my day job…

 …just yet.  I was going to try my hand at storm chasing this morning, but Earl petered out. 

My favorite room in This Old House is the back porch. We spend alot of time out there…cool breezes off the fields gently caress even on the hottest day.
There are storm windows for what we hope is going to be three-season use.
While riding out the heavy drizzle today, I read this…the fall edition is a great issue….

14 thoughts on “Guess I’m not quitting my day job…”

  1. We are anticipating Earl within the next 7 hours! Still hurricane watches in effect but it is weakening. Got all my preps done and now it is wait and see:)
    LOVE your porch:)

  2. I do have one question.

    How the heck do you guys get so much done?? You have landscaping everywhere. I am so jealous.

    I just came in from the hottub where my hubbins and I were planning tomorrow's attack on projects. They are never ending! I am STILL working on a tiny front garden (scooping out a ton of rock).

    {here is my pouting face} .^.

  3. Our three season porch is probably my favorite place in the house too…

    I think it was silly of the schools in my area to cancel school for today so quickly…if they had waited until this morining they would have discovered that the storm was not going to be so bad…

  4. I absolutely love your porch!!! HOW on earth do you get everything decorated so perfectly with all of your beautiful landscaping and still hold down a full time job while taking care of animals and kids????? Just call you Superwoman!! It's gorgeous Karen!

  5. Forgot to ask you Karen…is your Gallery open til 5 every day, including weekends? We'll be staying in E. Lyme for about a week and I'd love to check it out!

  6. I could sit on your porch all day! What a coincidence that you shared this today. This is our first house that DOESN'T have a screened porch, and I've been scheming ways to add one to our old house for a few days now. I love the way you built yours … hmmmmm.

  7. We had just a touch of drizzle last night… not nearly enough to suit my fancy though.

    Love your three seasons porch…. it's on my list of must haves in my next home should we ever move again.


  8. Love to close-ups of the roses. Hope you won't get scary heavy storms to test out your windows. I'm curious about the 75 things a New Englander should do… 😉

  9. You changed your header photo…it confused me at first. -smile-
    We didn't get any Earl and that suits me just fine. I've been on my feet more than 12 hours and exhaustion is setting in. Perhaps it's time for a shower followed by a magazine and/or book then bed.

  10. Great photos of the rain, I started to get my rain gear. Lucky for you, storm chaser, that storm did peter out. You don't want to test that old beautiful house with a Hurricane. And yeah, that room with all that natural light, might be my favorite also.

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