Hanging it Up

 While we still had another coat of tung oil to put on the floors, we were getting antsy to do SOMETHING… so after the middle coat had dried we began hanging things on walls…

 Remember the “stuff” I got at that little antique red cottage? … This is the finished product..very easy to make.  My son said… “Mom, aren’t you gonna paint all the chipped up stuff? ”   I told him that’s exactly the way I like it.  My one mistake was using too much glue to make sure the half teacup wouldn’t fall off the chalkboard painted background. Now I have to find some chalk to go in the teacup.

This is a photo I took out in the field of a dandelion head… I turned it into a sepia, and I think I will do that for other photos to be hung in the downstairs bathroom too… trying to give it a warm feel… I think the accent color will be a dusty faded rose…
This is a sign I picked up in Vermont… “Welcome to the Zoo”… cause that’s our family, just sayin.  The picture is taken from inside the kitchen pantry, looking out the sliders into the backyard.
Upstairs in the loft/pool table area, Babe Ruth is slugging it out….
As is Mohammed Ali.
Questions answered:   Some of you wanted to know the color of the Adirondack chairs… I finally found the paint can… it’s a True Value color – Sherpa 22D5
I was also asked what color the vanity is in the master bath… that is an artistic mix of several different colors created by the man who made those pieces for us so there isn’t a way to recreate that exact look. When I asked him what he used, he said “oh, well… I can’t remember exactly… it’s several colors.”  When up close it appears to be grey/green with alittle deep red brushed in to make it look old and give it alittle contrast.  Art makes lots of furniture out of reclaimed wood from old barns and houses.  Beautiful pieces that we sell in our Artisan shop.  I’ll do a post on it down the road.
 Yesterday I packed up the “Pharmacy” at our old house among other things…. I cannot believe how many bottles of Advil, Tylenol and Benadryl I found.  There were seven boxes of Bandaids, some of which I’m sure have lost their adhesive ability, prescriptions that were never finished but expired in 2006….   really and truly… THIS time, I am going to get organized. 

15 thoughts on “Hanging it Up”

  1. Love your house and how it is coming along with your fabulous decorating skills.

    Artisan shop? I had no clue… can't wait to hear more about it, Karen.


  2. Karen, I love all the pictures you have hung. Your floors look soooooo good! There is no telling how many old prescription bottles we have and bandaids, too. I always buy more because I can't find the other ones.

  3. Yay, Karen!! You're such a good blogger. Taking time from packing up your house to photograph things and keep us all up to date. Love the bathroom!

    Around here, it's tough to find a bandaid without some sort of colorful child-friendly design on it.

  4. That old house just blows me away. The pool room, looks like a great man cave.
    Beautiful beautiful house.

  5. You are so clever! Everything is perfect, you have all worked so hard. Enjoy your new home! Peace & Happiness!

  6. Thanks for the Adirondack colour. Hope it's available in the Netherlands. But since the shutters still have to be made, there is time to find that out.

    Love the photo of the dandelion. And the Zoo-sign. Your house is turning into a home.

    Oh and the teacup chalk holder worked out very well. Great!

    Nothing better to take you mind of the sad time than 'fluffing up' your house.

  7. And I meant that I'm going to find out if that paint is available in the Netherlands. I just read it back and it sort of sounded like I was expecting you to do that. HA! Sorry 😉

  8. From what I see, looks like "The Zoo" is a mighty fine place to call home, just sayin!!! (hee-hee)

    Very cool idea with your chalkboard and really am diggin' that sepia-tone image of the dandelion head, nice. Thanks for the paint color…ideas now for my office room walls!

  9. I'm lovin' your house and your style! As I scrolled, I admired the chalk board, thinking it was the neatest..then the gorgeous picture!, and the perfect sign. It would fit well here too:)
    I'm so glad you are taking the time to enjoy 'doing' your house! I know I am enjoying your photos and words about it.

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