Happy Horses

  What’s a farm without farm animals, right?  We finally brought the horses home today… we have some very happy campers here… that includes me 🙂


Opie, Lacey & Coady

 And all was right with the world once again.
PS. for those of you who are local.. after just one and a half days,
The head gardener here decided we don’t have enough produce yet to
stock a stand the way he would like to see it.
We also have to figure out how to keep the stuff in the shade
so it doesn’t wilt. Live and learn, I say.
His words were a little stronger.  Type A thing, you know.

27 thoughts on “Happy Horses”

  1. Oh Yay!!! Doesn't it feel wonderful to have your lovely horses home?? We are also thinking of building a small barn to replace the falling-down monstrosity we have now!! Beautiful pictures!!! xo

  2. oh, your horses are so beautiful! i'm SO glad you have them home again so you can watch them, spoil them, and tend to them at your leisure. it's SO wonderful!!!

  3. What a FAST and great job they did on the barn! You'll have to give us a barn tour.
    The horses are beautiful! Love the first picture of Max running…. I love a big bay horse!!

  4. Karen- Those are beautiful animals! Glorious looking – and you can tell they are loved and well taken care of! Love your barn and I'll bet your heart does a little pitter patter every time you look out and see your "family" home. Too bad about your veggie stand- Hope you can figure out some shade~ xo Diana

  5. My horses and I are so jealous! 🙂 Mine are surviving hot, humid, bug infested days and nights. My lowly shed blew over last week and it's been too wet to drive out there with my truck to put it upright again. So not even much for shade for them. Makes me feel sorry for my girls 🙁

  6. Opie looks like he's smiling! Really!!! They are handsome horses, all of them. I can remember how I loved looking out across the pasture and watching Apache graze, it's just hard to explain the love you have for a horse. The barn turned out fantastic, they have a wonderful place to call home and this winter will be a breeze with accomodations so nice. My Type A has been in a tizzy this weekend putting in a new computer and router to replace our old one. Not working just right yet and he's not a happy camper either. I stay out of the way…

  7. omg….i can honestly see how happy these horses are and the joy in your words….

    shade is hard when it comes to stands. i have a great vintage beach umbrella that would do the trick. i'l be right over with it. get out the lemonade, as i'll be dying of thirst by the time i get there 🙂

  8. Your horses are beautiful Karen! I'm glad you have them back home!
    Good luck with the produce. 🙂


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