Having something GOOD to say…

 I don’t watch the news much anymore – it’s depressing to say the least. I catch the important facts, and leave the rest alone. I debated starting a newspaper or even just a blog that highligted GOOD NEWS ONLY around the country and perhaps extending to the world!… I’m still tossing that around. But for now.. there’s THIS…

   Mike and Matt heard me chattering on about this very concept and at the same time they’ve been looking at ways to spread Roba Dolce’s philanthropic wings. The Special Olympics is near to their heart, but they want to do more as the company grows.

 Hence, the birth of this blog, click below.  Please take a minute to introduce yourself to it’s content, and feel free to join our mission to spread some joy, reward acts of kindness, volunteerism, thoughtfulness.

  There is so much good news out there that we never hear about… 
 Let’s help Roba Dolce spread the word.
To all my blog buddies – help ME and post about this on YOUR blog!
No pressure 🙂

12 thoughts on “Having something GOOD to say…”

  1. GREAT idea! You HAVE to do it, Karen! YOu could get advertising and everything because it will become very popular! Did you do the gelato blog? I like! Can't wait to post my first act of kindness that I witness!!!!

  2. I've been following your blog since around Christmas; I love it. I wish I had had access to this deliciousness (the Roba Dolce) but I don't think I'll find any in Atlantic Canada. I'll keep looking whenever I go to a new to me store.

  3. I get ALL my news at the Daily Show and the Colbert Report…if I have to hear bad news I at least want to laugh about it:)

    Great idea over at Roba Dolce!

  4. I love both of these ideas! I'm putting my thinking cap on for a post on Roba Dolce. Special Olympics has always been near and dear to us as you know. But, there are so many other charities that are deserving as well.

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