He said She said

This morning’s conversations…..

Manchild…silent through the car ride to the bus stop….


Him:  I need 40 bucks to buy a ticket to the Semi Formal for Saturday night…

Me:   But you said you weren’t going!   Does your suit still fit?… what color dress is your date wearing?… we’ll need a boutonniere and corsage???…..  WHO is your DATE?……  

All this.. mind you, flashed through my mind in about twelve seconds.. only the first sentence actually got out of my mouth…   before he said…..

  “Don’t ask me any questions, I don’t want to talk about it ….”

and sprinted out of the car,  dashing to the bus.  Use of the word “sprint” is not an exaggeration here.

Ok  then.

I drive home and make a mental list of the few things that will have to be taken care of now that he’s attending the semi formal on THIS Saturday night…   (Girls would be planning for this dance three months in advance.  Guys?  two hours before they might give it some serious thought. But probably not. )

….and now back at the ranch…. Graduate Girl comes downstairs in her work attire.  There’s a pensive look… then a muttered sentence…

She:    “Is this jewelry too much, you think?”…..

Now that’s not just a muttered sentence.. that’s a LOADED QUESTION.   Because, you know…. even though they ask the question, it doesn’t necessarily mean they really want  your answer if  it diverts in any way from what they’re already  thinking.

SO… I tentatively stick a toe in the waters of that deeeeeep deeeeeep pool.

Me:  “Well.. your outfit looks great!  I really like the jewelry too.”

and here’s where it gets sticky.  Because  I really shoulda just left it right there. Shut up. Zipped the lip. MINDED MY OWN BEESWAX.

Because then I said…

…”but maybe the big bangly bracelet is a bit too much for the Bank. “

Can you hear the whistle of the  big 2 ton ACME weight falling down the canyon wall, 
 headed for Wyle E. Coyote?

 SHE says… in a huff with a heavy eye roll and a good stomp back up the stairs…
 “Of course you would say that… “

 To her credit… she came back down about 10 minutes later and told me she caught the “tone” in her voice when I gave my opinion, and although she realized she ASKED me for an opinion, from now on she’s just gonna trust her own judgement, thank you very much.

 I think that’s a great idea, don’t you?

Ooooookay then!

34 thoughts on “He said She said”

  1. omg, I loved this post so so much, I can not even tell you.
    I have SO SO SO been right there with my THREE daughters…SO many times.
    omg….I laughed,and laughed……and also felt bad for you.

  2. Oh, Lord. My kids learned early on not to spring something on me at the last minute. They may not want to give it a second thought, or prepare in advance, but by cracky if it involves me in any way, they certainly better gives me advanced warning!

    Also, my kids know better than to ask my opinion unless they are prepared to hear it. They usually get it without asking, which is why they just go ahead and do things the way they please… and then avoid calling me for days, which is always a dead giveaway they did something I wouldn't approve of.

  3. Wondering why he didn't want to talk about it. He did ask HER and not the other way around, right?? Hmmm. He's so handsome I'm surprised he didn't have three dates all lined up for the prom.

  4. Ah, yes, the formative years! I remember them well!!! Being a retired banker though…loosing the bangles is a good thing…too noisy and distracting. In the evening or a get together, fine. The boy…his approach…sounds like one of our grandsons!…:)JP

  5. My son would do the same thing–I need this, but don't want to discuss it, so just take care of it and give me the money. 🙂

    Good job that your daughter caught her tone. Very nice!

    Have a great weekend and if you're allowed to, take pics!


  6. Oh my! I know I've told you that I have 4 (grown) sons and they were so close in age that they were all teenagers at the SAME TIME! I don't know how I survived! Did I survive? heeheehee!

  7. The boy? They are ALL alike…seriously!

    The girl? Damned if you do-damned if you don't…can't win.

    You? Hit the wine cooler! xo Diana

  8. hahahahaha! I don't think even when they are older they will listen. At least mine don't and the youngest is 30! So much fun being a Mom sometimes!

  9. Yeah, just hand over the moola, Mom. But, when you get the particulars (if you do) you know we want to know EVERYTHING!! 🙂

    And, as for GG, she'll ask again believe me. 🙂

    Ain't life grand? LOL

  10. The ever diplomatic job of "Mom". It's the most challenging job on earth and never a dull moment.
    I hope the date had more than a week's notice- she's gotta find a dress!

  11. This post cracked me up….love it! It'll make me smile all day. Guess because you said what most of us with teenagers or had teenagers in the past have been through already! Another post for the memory books!

    Mrs. Turkey

  12. I can so relate! Even now my son will say "don't ask me questions"! And the two daughters–occasionally they really WANT my opinion. I just have to bite my tongue most of the time!

  13. love it!! i always say "i can't wait til my daughter is 42 & has a daughter just like her!!!!" then SHE'll be the one who's "damned if you do & damned if you don't"!!!! so glad to know we're not in this alone!!

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