Here we go again!

  First, let me thank every one of you who responded to my “issues” post –  one of the things that makes the difficult parts of life less -difficult- is sharing information, worries, dilemnas, etc with others, gaining valuable insight and knowing you’re not alone.  I don’t blog as often as I used to because – life-, but I’m sure glad you still poke your head in here now and then. Here’s what I decided to do once I read all your comments and went to the Dr. with more questions. 
   I’ve started a new drug (a Beta Blocker) because what I’ve been taking just ain’t cutting it. Very low dose for now, we’ll see where that goes.  I hate meds but I don’t have a choice right now while I tweak other things.   I am drinking more water,  I’m walking, I am making A BIG EFFORT to cut out dairy, gluten, sugar.  I already know when I do that, (ain’t no easy feat)… I feel so much better. The weight comes off, the aches and pains are much less, the blood pressure comes down.  I know some of you are already aware that when there is inflammation present in your body, dairy, sugar and gluten are inflammatory. So why dump it in your body to compound the issue, right?   I am also going to stay with the therapeutic massage to my neck and shoulders – right now I’m going twice a week to get rid of the spasms, but I will stay on a maintenance plan from here on out – maybe once every three weeks.  It’s something I have not done before because… I don’t like lying on that table or spending the money because insurance won’t cover it… but I like feeling awful and immobile even less… so it’s simple science, you know?   AND… I won’t cut out my farm chores, but I’m changing the way I do them. Instead of tackling them with a vengeance, I’m mosying through my morning chores, sometimes taking a break to look at my phone, chat with others, etc.  I’m actually sitting down for 10 minutes every day to stretch and just breathe in and breathe out, slowly, deeply.    
  So… where are we going?… to another Homeward Bound CT Adoption Event!  For the next few days, myself and about 30 other people will be pretty busy helping dogs find homes – there will be smiles, laughs, tears even… and some exhausted people at the end of the weekend – but lets hope and pray and please send positive thoughts that  our 50 dogs will find their homes by Sunday night –   Hooray for the Underdog!….
 A few more of our adoptable adorables….