28 thoughts on “Hmmm….”

  1. Ha! I did thinK you were going to say this was a boy who quickly "dropped his drawers"! So funny it was your hubby!!! 🙂

  2. Aother funny…Just noticed your font doesn't show the explanation point dot, looks like I wrote the name Hal rather than Ha with the explanation point. All the "l's" above are explanation points! oopsss did it again. 🙂

  3. Hahahahahaha!!! That brings back some memories! Come to think of it, that still happens when they come over to swim. My SIL is the worst and the grands are pretty good at it, too.

  4. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Karen that made me ROFLMAO!!!! Was he scared out of his clothes? Did he see a ghost? Is it the RAPTURE COME EARLY!!!???????????

  5. Claude Rains was here, lol. Oh, you may be too young to know who that is, more lol.

    Anyway, this is TOO funny…and scary at the same time! How'd he do that? Never mind, it's probably better that I never know.

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