Home for wayward turtles

  It all started with Goldie, the homeless Goldfish.  Story Here.  Goldie lived for a while quite happily in a five gallon tank with a buddy and an algae eater in my sons bedroom.  Then one evening there was some sneaky activity involving a couple of teenage boys and some slithering up and down the back stairs while we ‘rents were otherwise occupied.  Suddenly there was a 55 gallon aquarium on the desk once used for homework (*ahem) and Goldie and friends got a slightly bigger tank. 

  Last night there was once again the pitter patter of sneaky feet up the back stairway while we were busy in the kitchen.   All were called down for dinner and there was definitely an air of smirkitude amongst the boyz. 

DAD:  What are you doing upstairs, I hear the backstairs footsteps, you’re not fooling me.
SON:   What?  OH.  It’s just your birthday present, really!  DON’T GO UPSTAIRS AND LOOK!!!

yeah, okI’ve got a bridge to sell you too….  

Apparently, while visiting the local pet store to get more aquarium supplies, he happened to admire the turtles.  The ever-helpful sales associate said   “you want one of those?  I’ve got one in the back that just got dumped here, the owner didn’t want him anymore.  I can’t legally sell him or his tank and equipment… you can have the whole thing for $10.!!”

You know what he did, right?    Because he’s MY SON, right?

 The newly adopted Turtle is a red-eared Slider.  They are the most common of pet turtles and are fairly easy to care for.  This one has been neglected. He had very long nails which I had to trim with a nail clipper (yes, I did).  He is the size of a small dinner plate and has outgrown his tank.  Probably why the owner was done with him.  Today I am going to find smaller rock formations out under the frozen tundra and give him more swimming room. Someday he will have to move from this tank, but we’re not going there right now!  
Turtles are more observant than you might think.  He follows us around the room with his
eyes and begs for food too.   My son is thrilled, and so far he is taking very good care of
all his tanks.


Yes, I said ALL his tanks.  Because he now has a mini aquarium upstairs…
more on that tomorrow.
OH, and… Happy birthday DAD. 


18 thoughts on “Home for wayward turtles”

  1. He is adorable! Just love when we have turtles show up in our yard…. kudos to your son for giving this neglected guy a home.. Love that about your family!!

  2. Now-where do you suppose your son gets that love of animals (?) from…and his big heart? I can't imagine!!!! Can't wait to see the REST of the story- xo Diana

  3. Lovely story, and it's nice to read that people still care about animals. All of our pets are "rescues" except the cat.

    We have 2 budgies, 3 frogs, 1 newt that we're all 'throw a ways'

    Good for yor son, you've obviously raised him well. 🙂

  4. How your post brought back memories!! My sister was alergic to anything with fur – so my pets were Myrtle and Ed- Red Ear Slidding turtles bought at Woolworths for 50 cents each!! They were the size of a 50 cent piece too! Ten year later I finally let them go in the St. Johns river in the heart of Florida. Mine started out in the house, then grew into an aquarium and then into a swimming pool outside and brought in when it got below 45 degrees. You'res is a male. Male slidders grow long nails- it's natural! This is how they attract the female. They hover in front of the female in water and wiggle their nails. The females have short nails. I would go to the creek and catch minnows and little shrimp! They loved it. Feed him tiny pieces of chicken or liver. Put it on the side of the rock and he'll eat it. Once they get this size – they need something substancial – not that dried meal worms in pet shops. buy the 7 cent feeder goldfish from the pet shops for him. So he can catch them. He also needs natural light. Maybe set in a window so he can sun bath out on a rock. this aids in his digestive system. So, nails are good, meat is good, sun is good!!

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