28 thoughts on “Horsing Around”

  1. Very nice. I like the essence of your stable photos … Can almost feel and smell it!
    Was the footing in the arena sand or snow?

  2. Oh geez, I'm a sucker for anything horsy and your pictures really capture it!! Almost took my camera out when I rode today but didn't know if I could do that if he got frisky! Gorgeous day!!!!!!! xo

  3. Beautiful Karen! Now…tell me….why do they wear coats sometimes…but not all the time?? Or sometimes I'll see one horse with the coat on and not the other?? I have always wondered about that?

  4. I can smell that delicious hay/grain/leather mixture. Do you have more than one horse. We had an appaloosa when the girls were growing up, he was the sweetest!

  5. Do you remember the description of Zuckerman's barn in Charlotte's Web–the smell of rope, leather, etc. I love barns and stables–yeah, even the smell of hay and manure!
    My oldest daughter and her husband currently have about ten big horses and a donkey and minature horse. They just bought two tiny, minature horses with shaggy coats–I'm not kidding–they look like little stocky dwarfs! She plans on raising them, but I still prefer the regular ones!

  6. I love this post! And the barn, tack and horses make me all warm and fuzzy inside! I have been getting out 3 times a week to ride and it feels SO GOOD!

  7. I've never thought of photographing my saddle or any other tack. Why not? No, really, why have I never thought of that? I love your eye for detail. And of course I love anything horsey, so…;-)

  8. it's so great that the horse season is coming back!! we rode our matilde on the weekend for the first time in several months. yay!

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