
   I’m getting fed up with being fed up, I’m anxious over all the anxiety,  I’m mad as hell about all the madness that has descended in this ill wind that currently blows through the white house and our government at large.  The damned fibromyalgia is flaring and I’m getting tired of seeing my own hot air spewed all over my social media pages. 
   So today.. even thought there are at least five new obnoxious revelations by the Orange Scream and his cohorts that I could highlight here… aren’t there daily??… Today…  I will be the light.

A local pub is collecting sneakers, bras, socks, duffel bags for the homeless of New Haven. I decided to send a shout out to my friends on FB to start a collection to help her and I am so happy to see the outpouring of caring people who are donating those items.  Already within half a day’s posting, I’ve got socks, shoes, duffle bags, reading glasses and hair brushes here at the farm waiting to be disbursed.  A good friend is sending 18 pairs of socks through Amazon to my house along with two duffle bags – I haven’t seen her since HS!  Amazing.  WE the People are what makes America great. I needed to see it again and here it is, being dropped off at my side door. 

Here’s a funny for you – the computer guy is here right now putting in a new router. Apparently ours was a dinosaur and the new one will give us internet at warp speed.  The key though.. was to remember the old password.   *sigh.   And come up with a new one.  *sigh again.  Why must passwords be such a pain in the ass. 
Ah, but we’re not complaining today, are we… 
   My 52nd birthday was spent in my favorite way – among my family,  the kids and their partners and the moms, enjoying each others company. We went to a noisy italian restaurant that serves huge portions of delish, you always go home with a meal for tomorrow when you visit the Log Cabin.   I was even able to keep up with most of the conversation despite my defective hearing.  The sangria was the bomb!  While I’m not much of a drinker, put a glass of a good red wine Sangria, a Mojito, a Margarita with salt or my mom’s version of a gin and tonic with a splash of lime in front of me and I’m good to go. Just one glass is all the resfreshment I need and the alcoholic version only happens a few times a month.   Cheap date, I am.

  While I don’t need gifts and prefer to be the giver, a few of my blog buddies who have been reading here for years surprised me with a few treasures.  I sure wish they hadn’t, but I am so grateful for their thoughtfulness and the friendships we have forged through this little blog.  You know who you are.. thank you dear friends. 
  This shall be placed prominently on one of Stella’s walls… 

.. and these are part of a line I have not been familiar with until now… 
I am so looking forward to trying these two culinary delights out…and from what I understand, the maker has a fantastic show on pbs – you may have already heard of her – Vivian Howard –

 Ever since I read The Prince of Tides many moons ago I have thought a part of me was meant to live down south somewhere…  but time and experience and a few summer visits have taught me that the heat and humidity aren’t my best friend.  However, Vivian Howard’s South is just lovely. Check her out.

   This book arrived in the mail this afternoon – thank you H!  Tonight’s new read!

 As for Stella – oooh, we’re getting close to move in time!  The floors are finished and just a little tacky to the touch. So we’ll wait until Friday and then.. AND THEN.. friends… we get to move  “stuff”.. in.  You know I’ll share it with you as we go.  I’m nearly giddy.

 I found a couch yesterday that was within our comfortable price range.. it’s actually a love seat.  While I had a whole ‘nother look in mind,  the look and the price didn’t match the budget.   The love seat size is better suited to Stella’s small size and the color is a slate blue/grey – should go OK with the rest of the place.  Not taking the pillows – have never been a geometric design fan.  The couch was found at the same place we got a few other pieces for Stella – Consign & Design in Branford.  In the couch picture you can see a real gem in the background – unfortunately not for sale.

 When the owner of the consignment shop rented this space – the desk you see way in the background there was in a back room covered by a tarp.  The previous owner said – Oh, you can have that, we have no use for it.

  “IT”… is an original sign-in desk from Ellis Island.  THE Ellis Island.  Can you imagine all the hands that rested and signed upon that desk…. amazing… perhaps even some of my or your relatives. Hard to tell in this picture, but the desk is huge. the books on the desk are about chest high, to give you an idea.

                      What I would pay for this desk… however, some things are simply – not for sale.