I am what a Pre-Existing Condition looks like

      Have you been paying attention to just exactly what this is that the idiots in Washingt*n are trying to pass off as Healthcare? Some members of the GOP admit they didn’t even read the damned proposal before they voted.  Holy sh*t, isn’t that what they’re getting paid very well for?  Isn’t this thing important enough to read the fine print, let alone the big print all the way through ?    If you voted for the Orange Scream, is this what you hoped for?  Basically, if you’re a woman, you ARE a pre-existing condition.  If you’re poor, if you’re sick, if your child is sick.. you’re f*cked.  One idiot in particular said in slightly different words, if you’re sick it’s your fault – poor choices!  
  I don’t know how any member of the Rep*blican party can feel good about the soulless group currently representing them… how did such a ruthless, soulless, heartless, clueless group obtain such power again.  Apparently we don’t learn important lessons from history, we are doomed to repeat them.  When did enough of us decide that decency, democracy, fairness, common sense, truth, justice and THE AMERICAN WAY… was worth throwing under the proverbial bus because -change -.   What -change- did we bring on that was worth forgoing our core values, our very decency.  Why are we turning a blind eye?  Why is nepotism suddenly OK.  Why is the POTUS lying about little things, big things, getting our HISTORY wrong,  pissing off world leaders at random, tweeting ridiculousness in the middle of the night…  and getting away with it –  how is this OK?  What happened, America?  WTF happened?  
   You know what’s worse than the joke below? …. 
the fact that it’s  actually what he said.  
 The further a society drifts from the truth…
The more it will hate those that speak it. 
George Orwell
  Funny thing – when I talk like this, I am often accused.. and I use the word accused… of being a Liberal. A Democrat.  As if those are dirty words.  I’m actually none of the above.  But hell, when you express concern for human beings, for decency, for fairness… for inclusion, … if that’s what you want to call me?  It means the republican party doesn’t represent any of these things.   So I’ll take it. 
  Believe people when they tell you who they are.