I am woman, hear me roar!

  The boys left early this morning to get more snow removal accomplished… our parents are still not plowed out.  Neither are some of the many roads in this area, and I-95 was still unplowed as of last night, hard to believe.   That left me staring wistfully at the snowbound gator up at the barn this morning.. my much-needed manure removal system.   I said .. self?  Suck it up.  Get the snow shovel and git er dun.   I want you to say that just as I typed it, with emphasis   🙂

So, I shoveled out the gator, only to shovel sh-t.
The great news here is… the girlchild showed up right about this time
and shoveled the sh-t for me. 

16 thoughts on “I am woman, hear me roar!”

  1. Sometimes kids do come in handy and earn their keep! Your snowfall looks cold but absolutely beautiful. Who has to go out in the cold to feed and water those magnificant horses? They really are you know? I love seeing pictures of them. If you ever have a really great close up of one, head turned towards camera, I'll paint it.

  2. Beautiful winter pics especially love your horses… wild a free!

    Still can't believe how much snow fell around here! My poor parents in Middlefield are just getting their driveway plowed now or I should say DUG out!! They had 4-5 foot drifts, just unbelievable!

  3. Wow, you have to be tough to make it through those New England winters. I just don't have it in me! So, was your daughter out driving in all that snow? We come to a standstill down here when we get a few inches of it.

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