I didn’t NEED it…

.. but for $25. at a nearby vintage junk emporium, what a find!  I love it.  An old print, glued onto a black painted board back, now hanging in my agriculture inspired bedroom…

 Look at that sweet face ~
I believe this is a Dairy cow of the Jersey Variety.
This is why there can be no beef cows on the property.
The Man has suggested it.  
I could never eat them.

29 thoughts on “I didn’t NEED it…”

  1. OK I love that print!!! And I agree, jersey cows give the best milk! We have a farm up the road where we get raw milk and he has sweet jersey cows and farms with horses! Lovely!

  2. Oh, you definitely needed it! It is perfect and lovely! I grew up on a beef cattle farm. I actually named a calf I took care of Sir Loin! I learned quickly not to get too attached…

  3. Love old black and white prints and etchings… I have a cute one in our bedroom hallway.. will e-mail you a pic of it.


  4. Oh god no, have you ever looked into the eyes of a cow? I mean a real one and not the cute drawn one. Those eyes are sooooo soft and long lashed and sweet. One of the reasons I don't eat meat. And we don't even have cows 😉

  5. I'm with you! If it lives on my property it will never be in my fridge or freezer (much to my hubby's dismay!)! I would love to have a dairy cow or goat! Ahh, maybe someday!

  6. Awesome find, Karen. I probably wouldn't have bought it, and regretted it later.

    I did find a Mikasa porcelain basket with violets on it today for $2.00. Damn near killed me to pay that. 🙂

  7. It's a beautiful print! Jersey's are so easy to milk; I can remember milking with Aunt Bonnie…leaning against one of her cows
    breath frosty
    warm flank
    cud chewing
    milk streaming
    bossy bliss!

    Love your music, makes me want to dance in happy time.

  8. Me either! I could never, ever eat anything that I cared for.
    I have been a vegetarian since college. Nothing with a face 🙂
    The first time I went to Paris I was horrified that "Cheval" (horse meat) was on every menu. OMG.
    Slowly over the years it is leaving many menus there. Thank God!

    Boy, I really go off track!!!
    I love the sweet cow. She has the eyes of really good friend 🙂 And yes. You needed that!
    xo, misha

  9. Love this! It looks like an engraving! I am attracted more and more to engravings and lithographs–and have discovered a great shop in town that carries what I love – Park Hill Interiors in the Historic Hillcrest area of our town.
    My son-in-law just sold off all his Red Angus cows–yes, they were meat cows and my daughter said she could not eat anything she had helped take care of! Plus, they were terrible escape artists!

  10. Hi Karen, love your blog! Do you have the old photographic history of our town? if so check out page 111. I knew I had a feeling of deja vu when i saw your print. She is even on your street! Check it out

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