I Love This Stuff!!

 Are you a peanut butter nut, like I am?  If so, you have to try this brand, it is soooooo good.  My favorite three ways to enjoy peanut butter are spread on a sliced apple, spread on bread with sliced  red grapes instead of jelly, or right out of the jar using a Hershey bar for dipping. 

 Anyway, back to the brand. I am not paid for anything I salute here on the blog, I’m just passing along something I found to be really really good.  Peanut Butter & Co. !  I like the founders story…and these folks are do-gooders too, even better.   

About the Peanut Butter Guy
Lee Zalben is the founder and president of New York City’s world famous Peanut Butter & Co., and the man behind “gourmet peanut butter.” Lee grew up in Philadelphia eating a lot of peanut butter. And while an under-graduate student at Vassar College, he always won the fierce competitions he and his friends held for the wackiest but best-tasting peanut butter sandwich during late night study breaks. It was then where the idea of opening a peanut butter sandwich shop sprouted.

After college, Lee worked in advertising and publishing but he never forgot his dream of opening a peanut butter sandwich shop. While walking in Greenwich Village one day, he spotted a vacant storefront near NY University. Quitting his job the next day, the 26-year old entrepreneur-to-be started developing a business plan for his dream shop. On December 21, 1998, the vacant storefront became the Peanut Butter & Co. Sandwich Shop, offering not just various kinds of peanut butter sandwiches like The Elvis and Pregnant Lady but also peanut butter in newfangled flavors like Dark Chocolate Dreams and Cinnamon Raisin Swirl.

It was only a matter of time when people started clamoring to take the peanut butter home. Today, Peanut Butter & Co. is sold in ten delicious flavors in over 10,000 stores around the country and in Canada, the U.K., Japan, and Hong Kong. And the sandwich shop has turned into a pilgrimage site for many peanut butter lovers all over the world. Lee’s dream to open a peanut butter sandwich shop did not just become a reality, but he also created the market for specialty peanut butter.

My favorite flavor so far… and it is DREAMY delicious.

18 thoughts on “I Love This Stuff!!”

  1. Great story I love peanut butter anyway u put it. I will have to try this brand. I would talk more but I'm going to store to find this thanks :)haha

  2. I never heard of this brand before. I'm betting Woodmans might carry it here. Good story behind it, too. Love the way you eat it right out of the jar with chocolate for a dipper! xo Diana

  3. OMG Yum!!! Probably not available up here because the population is so thin…BUT I am looking for this when I next visit my Mom in Keene, NH!!! YUM!

  4. I've never heard of this, sounds great!

    I LOVE peanut butter on apples! Also, PB and banana sandwiches, PB on saltines and just plain, on a spoon.

  5. I'm with MsA on this; pnut butter and nanner sandwiches!

    Just love hearing about young people realizing their dreams; thanks for sharing this one.

    Have a wonderful day. I'm off to babysit the littles. 🙂

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