I must be getting old

  Is it just me or is my age showing?  I am not fond of this not-so- new and wildly popular trend in TV viewing – in particular, Reality TV.   It seems to thrive on the exploitation of all the weaknesses of the human race – like general stupidity and selfishness and superficial material worship among other things.  I don’t blame the participants…No.. I blame the people who came up with these shows AND the viewers who make them so wildly popular.  The reality stars are just making a living.

 I’m sure you’ve all heard of Jersey Shore by now, because it’s beyond wildly popular..and I just have to laugh out loud.  It’s my old stomping grounds from back in the day.

A conversation with my 14 year old:

Him:  Mom, did you ever hear of Jersey Shore?  It’s so cool, you gotta see it. There’s this girl.. Snookie?…

Me: Yes, I know the show. Actually, I know the place, intimately!

Him:  YOU DO NOT. …Jersey SHORE??… were you ever, like, THERE?….

Me:  Yeah, I was theah.  As many weekends as I cud get theah.  It’s wheah we hung ou
 (“t” is silent heah,  and you say the first pawt of “out” hawd and fast and end it quick) 

Him:  You Did Not. OMG you’re talking LIKE THAT!!!

Me:  Yeah so wut.  Go pahk the caw faw me and don’t step in the wahta outside the daw.

Him:  Mom, STOP, you sound so WEIRD.

Me:  Whateva

19 thoughts on “I must be getting old”

  1. Oh my gosh, I am laying in the floor laughing my tail off! That is freaking funny!

    BTW… the cell phone thing is not going well. My excuse is my husband is in Germany and that is when we talk! I am still trying though… sort of!

  2. I'm laughing too. It's hard for our kids to believe we ever HAD a life before they came along, isn't it? If you were a little older you could say, FAR OUT, Man! and GROOVY! hugs-Diana

  3. that's one show i refuse to watch…..but the other reality shows i tend to get hooked on…..but only if they are on a major network. so NONE of that crappy housewives of everywhere on the east coast crap !!!

  4. Oh the look on his face must be worth it!

    I have two daughters. When the youngest found out about sex she looked at me accusingly and said, "You mean you and daddy did that TWICE"? Gotta love them kidlets.

  5. I want to see, "Blogging Housewives of Google"…anyway
    You can always tell if someone is from "this" area, they go to the "shore", not the "beach."
    My stomping ground was Sea Isle and Wildwood.
    Funny post.

  6. Too funny Karen! My family is from the Worcester area of Massachusetts…I can talk like that too!!! But only when I really need to! I have been away for many years….having spent the majority of my growing up years in Ohio!! Talk about a weird accent…now I am back in New YAWK!

  7. I've never seen a reality show because they don't interest me…in the least but neither does most television. Frankly, I don't understand the need to have reality television; are people's lives so lame they'd rather watch than do? Yeah, you can tell I don't get it -grin-.

  8. Funny how our children forget that we were once their age and loved having fun too! HA!

    I don't like those reality shows either although I did watch the Housewives of D.C.

  9. Oh boy. You've got the 'sound' perfectly!

    I am not a fan of reality show. First of all, how can it be reality when there is a camera following you everywhere? And I do think they bring out the worst parts of us – the part that stops to look at a car wreck or is happy to see someone else screw up because then it makes us feel better.

    I'm happy to say I don't watch ANY of them. Plus, to be frank, they keep my husband and all of his actor friends out of work. The more reality shows there are, the less work there is for actors. And believe me, most actors I know who worked in television are hurting. Badly.


  10. You are so ahead of your time… I admit to watching briefly on occasion. Its like rubbernecking at an accident… you don't want to watch the train wreck but you can't help but look. I also want to keep diverting my kids attention away as much as possible while I still can 🙂 Mark's comment is too funny!

  11. I too despise those shows. I feel sorry for the silly fools. I know they don't care that they're truly making asses of themselves. But I wish people would STOP watching them so they'd go away!

  12. LOL! It's so fun to get that kind of response out of our kids, isn't it?

    I'm with you. I like documentaries about people, but I'll leave reality TV behind any day.

  13. BAHAHA! Hilaaaaaaaarious! We were at a wedding awhile back and everyone was talking about this show-it sounded so ridiculous. I had to come home and google it!

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