I was born in the sign of water

 ..and it’s there that I feel my best.  The albatross and the whale, they are my brothers..

  Actually that’s not much of a stretch and it’s one of my favorite songs.   If you were here right now you’de have the distinct torture of hearing me belt it out as I type this post. Anyone know the next line?  No googling, now….

 I have always loved the water, always lived NEAR the water ( ON it is way too expensive around here) and I can’t imagine not being able to GET to it fairly quickly.  Nothing better at the end of a hectic day than sitting by water’s edge and breathing the salt air in. I swear it heals the soul. 

  My dad used to dock his boat at this marina.  He was a live-aboard until he fell on the docks and broke his hip. Now he lives in a home a few miles from there, and his answering machine says “You’ve reached Louie’s Lighthouse”.
   We spent many childhood summer days either crawling around his sailboat while it sat in the yard for repair, or out in the harbor having a dinner cooked on the little hibachi attached to the side.  Sometimes we’de jump off the back and swim with the little green flourescent jellyfish (they don’t sting). Sometimes we went out for a ride, but I can’t say that my sister and I were always thrilled at the prospect.  On a sailboat there’s quite a bit of   R_o-L-L-i-N-g,  you see…. and on those days, dramamine was our dearest friend.

 One fine day the seas were a bit rough and the boat ran into a sandbar.  I thought we were stranded for good, marooned, destined to die on that sandbar…and I said so… over and over.  It meant nothing to me that we could have walked to the jetty… just waist high water from us to the rocks.  Yeah, I still hear about that one.

    We went back to the Harbor today where a friend now keeps his fishing boat.. just a few slips from my dads old “home”.  What used to be an old boat shed is now the “Yacht Club”.
… I love what they did with the place.


This is my dream boat…. great seating in the rear, a little table, dual engines, a small but sufficient cabin (bathroom!) …
And alittle bowspace to sit and catch the breeze while reading a good book…
A girl can always dream….

11 thoughts on “I was born in the sign of water”

  1. It's a special feeling when you are out on the sea alone.


    Are we twins separated at birth? Little River Band was one of my favorite concerts and I grew up a short way from the Gulf (which is not beautiful, but is big water).


  2. I love being near the water-I can't swim-but I would be happy spending all of my time by the ocean! Surrounded by rivers here, but, its not the same. Love the photos!

  3. I was actually born under the sign of water (Cancer), but instead of the ocean, I live here with our 15,000 lakes and I do not live on one of them!

    I've tried and tried and Pup and I talk about where we might retire one day and it will be on water.

    That marina is so charming! And don't you LOVE the names of boats? Get Reel? I'm stealing that some day.

  4. I just love the 'Lobster Landing' and the 'Yacht Club'. Very idyllic looking places. I like boats, but the sea is not for me. Makes my food go out the wrong end. Calm rivers, more my style. Friends of us have a nice boat and they like to have picnics on board (and invite us). Cool white wines, salads and quiches. Hmmm, very nice 🙂

  5. i need to live by the water….should have born by the water….but somehow that part of my life is all fuzzy and hasn't happened yet….

    i'm sure i'm part mermaid….and as far as water soothing the soul….there's just nothing like it, is there ?

    the little lobster landing shack and photo is fabulous !

    mark said you asked about a header/banner, but girl, you are rocking this new design all on you own 🙂

  6. I love the water (of course) but don't want to be "on it". Never have wanted to take a cruise. Your photo's are great, and I like reading your memories. 🙂

  7. I keep my noise/sound machine going 24/7 with water sounds. I love water. It soothes me. I don't live near any water, so this is the best I can do. I can only imagine getting to live on a boat.

  8. "Nothing better at the end of a hectic day than sitting by water's edge" I couldn't have said it better myself!! Love that! And I love Little River Band too!! I truly enjoy reading about your memories Karen.

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