In A Nut Shell

   Did you catch the President Elect’s first press conference in oooh, about six months?  

    No? Let me give it to you in a nut shell – 
     First it was a lashing at all reporters and intel pretty much for all the fake news, except the ones who have been good to him, but most of them sometimes have been unfair, but some of them now good. Doesn’t matter what he said about the intelligence world because it was.. unintelligible. 

He’s not giving up his business but he promises he will not discuss ANY of it with his two sons, whom will run things. But he COULD do both, run the country and run the empire, but he won’t…. but he could. He’s actually hired an ethics person whom he will pay to make sure he’s remaining ethical in that department. 

Hes’ donating all money earned from foreign entities to .. I think the United States Treasury?   No one yet knows what were in all those folders or who that attorney was but already her knowledge is questionable. As for the folders, his aides didn’t let anyone look at them, so your guess is as good as mine… and everyone elses. 

Yes Russia was responsible for the hacking but the Dems asked for it, He should be commended for the fine cyber security he and Preibus are responsible for (meaning RNC).  Putin seems to like him so he still likes Putin, unless Putin doesn’t like him anymore. 

 CNN is not a credible news source and he wouldn’t let them get one question in – (You know Fox is his favorite.)  That exchange was ugly. 

He’s God’s gift to Job making ( his words) ..

   ACA Healthcare will be removed and replaced within hours of each other and your premiums will be MUCH cheaper although some will have a very bad year, and trust him it will be great. 

He’s going after Pharma – (ok I’m all for that)

 Mexico will pay for the wall, just maybe next year, and maybe not in payments but in taxes, and he is building wall now with our money because he doesn’t want to wait for the deal he plans to make.. with Mexico – of whom he loves, loves the people, loves the government, even employs mexicans, that’s how much he loves them. 

And, we should all love him.  Finally –  he hopes we will all go to the incredible inauguration ceremony, which is going to be beautiful and huuuuuge, largest crowds every. Bigly so.

As for those golden shower reports … he said (his words!) .. he’s a germaphobe and there are cameras everywhere….. so…

 This post shouldn’t offend anyone –  All the above is indeed what transpired in todays press conference.  How’s that working for ya.