In the Toilet

   Target is getting huge flack for allowing Transgender people to use the bathroom they feel comfortable using.    This is what I wrote on their FB page –  

Congratulations for being a company with a conscience. I don’t know what it’s like to be born with a mixed gender identity, nor do I know what it’s like to be born with black or red or lily white skin , blue eyes, mental illness or a physical handicap or gay. What I know is none of these things is a choice, we are who we are. Treating those who are not made exactly like we are with hateful behavior is ugly, prejudice, small minded. I think a separate bathroom for ignorance might be a good idea though. Target, I like you even more now. Thank you for standing up tall and treating all with the same respect. As for worrying about your kids and grandkids in public bathrooms- you shouldn’t send your kids into a public bathroom alone – creeps come in all shapes and sizes. Just read some of the comments on this thread.  – and there were many nasty comments on that thread. 

  I’m sure some of you disagree with me.  I ask you this – and these are questions that would have to be answered if you continue to go down this thought path  logically. Who is going to monitor the “gender” of people as they enter bathrooms?  Who’s going to verify the integrity of the monitor and who’s responsible for paying them? I guess they need to be EVERYWHERE, right?    There are thousands of documented cases of priests, teachers, coaches… who are PREDATORS.   Hell, some of them chose their profession because of it’s access to vulnerable victims, often children. Where are the stats on Trans?…  is it such a non-issue that there aren’t any?   Therefore…bare with me and  keep going down this path of thought… should there be separate bathrooms for adults and children?  Should there be separate bathrooms for priests, teachers, coaches?….. Sounds ridiculous, right?…. kinda not do-able at all.  So where are you drawing the line?  Transgender people were born feeling they were something different than what their parts told them.  That alone doesn’t make them dangerous.    One thing is clear – Their life ain’t easy if they choose to be what they feel is  their genuine self – because of how  some people perceive them – as freaks.   They may be different than you and I, but that doesn’t make them predators.. or freaks.  It makes them different than you and I.  

Bottom line in the public restroom procession is…….you’ve been peeing next to trans all your life,  maybe you just didn’t know it.  It’s not a new phenomenon.  It’s becoming more prominent because they are tired of hiding in the shadows.   I can’t understand what it is to be them, and neither can you. We can only try understanding,  show compassion, humanity.  Every being deserves that.