8 thoughts on “Inspiring Story of a Volunteer Medical Team’s Journey in Haiti”

  1. Karen, Thanks for posting this. There is such a need there both physical and spiritual. My best friend and her husband and 4 kids have moved there as missionaries to Haiti, this past December. Actually they are DR just over the border as they learn the languages for a year. Should be going there end of the year. There blog in on my blog list if you care to check them out. We are planning on going there in June to see visit them for a week. They are planning on setting up an orphanage in Haiti eventualy as that is what they feel the Lord has called them to do.

  2. My daughters' room mate in college has spent much time there. It is so needed. Thanks for this inspiring blog entry!

  3. Karen, Truly inspiring. Makes you think about life and what we can all do to help! Love the music on your blog.

  4. Wow- so happy you are shedding light on an ongoing crisis and the amazing people stepping up to do something about it!

  5. Amazing stories about amazing people, thumbs up to those who step up and do whats right…that would be you Roba Dolce!

  6. I wish I was brave enough to volunteer to do something like this…It is wonderful to see what is being done in the world that is actually good and kind:)

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