Invasion of the Giant Pink Flamingo

   We’ve been spending a significant amount of time down at the shore – cottage life has been a welcome reprieve from our hectic work life and farm chores.   Heading down there at the end of the day to cool off in the water or on the deck for a meal with the gathering family, or to hop in the kayaks on a quiet morning… truly feels like we are AWAY from it all, on  a little vacation.  Making the decision to buy a small place not far from our home as opposed to several hours or more “away” turned out to be an excellent decision for our clan.  We’re getting far more use out of it so close by than we would have if there were a long drive or flight involved.  And – the bonus is friends and family are nearby and can join us easily as well. 

The dogs are with us more often than not – 
and while Frazier swims and has accompanied me on the kayak…
Sally is still unsure.  However, she now ventures to water’s edge –
  Yesterday she stretched her little stubby legs in the surf
(all of two inched deep)  to reach for
a piece of  snow cone my son offered up. 

 The blue steps maybe stand out a bit, but their gritty texture works perfectly
to eliminate slippery stairs. 
*Boat Bottom Paint Plus Sand mixed in* 
And..  I’ve described this before but it always amazes me – 
most of the pictures in this post are taken at low tide. 
At high tide, just a few hours later, the water is up over the blue steps 
 – a difference of about six feet.

  This  succulent-like type plant grows prolifically on our seawall – anyone know what it is?  It now has white flowers and is just beautiful.

  The boys have been clamming –   A little info – Did you know you should never clam right after a rain storm?  The storm kicks up all the muck and pollution and the clams are busy filtering it out right after the storm.  So they’re “full of it”… and you don’t want to eat a mucky clam.

   Our new float (bottom right in picture) is holding up well so far, even with a make-shift patch to the hole we put in it trying to heave it over the cedar fence sea wall.

   Do you see that little pink thing off in the distance? 

  It’s actually HUGE!  Remember the Stay Puff Marshmallow man in Ghostbusters?
That’s what it reminds me of.
Our neighbor a few cottages down the way installed it for his kids. 

   Here it is in an ad – to give you an idea of the size.  Apparently they are all the rage this year in lakes, ponds, rivers and coves like ours.  Sams Club, among other places, sells them for around $150.   Probably real fun for a party, but I doubt they last long. I’ll let you know how long Pinky lasts in our cove. 
 And if a giant flamingo doesn’t float your boat, perhaps a rainbow pegasus Unicorn will! 
Have a safe and happy fourth of July celebration –  We’ve got a heat and humidity wave going here in New England –  Perfect time to have a float in the ocean.