Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

       Friday the 13th waited a day to throw a wrench or two in my direction, and the karma hung on for a few more.  Funny how life does that, regardless of the date.   Just when you think you’ve got things under control and all is atleast OK with your world… the universe reminds you not to get too comfortable.

       This I know for sure… I ‘de like to be a person who sees the glass half full. I want to fully appreciate all that is good, and I have much to be grateful for.  I need to stop dwelling on and truly accept the things I can’t change and do what is necessary to take care of the things I can.   Life is hard, but it’s also a glorious opportunity. One of my greatest fears is that I’ll waste it.

 Wonderful words of wisdom  below that I found this morning…

 “You can live in a world of happiness and light or one of sorrow and darkness. Both worlds exist around you all the time. It is what you choose to see and give a voice to that will be your experience. The bad stuff will still be there, but you can at least give the good a nod of recognition. Focus on what brings you joy and peace. It may grow before your eyes.

Bloom where you are planted. Stop waiting for things to improve and find a way to hang curtains in the cottage where you live. Let in some light and air. Clean out the dust and gloom. Enjoy being alive. It is a marvelous thing to live. An endless sea of possibilities is open before you.”


18 thoughts on “Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?”

  1. Funny yes… or not so funny at times too. Thanks, I needed to see this today. You'll relate I think, we have a concrete pour scheduled for Monday, but two subs have both let us down when it comes to breaking out the floors that need to be replaced… Renters are threatening us… funny how it can color your world when really its such a minor thing in the grand scheme:) Half full, always half full 🙂 off to find a 3rd contractor 🙂

  2. Those are beautiful and very wise words. I saw the glass as half empty for years. But once my kids were grown and I could kind of explore on my own a bit (I was a mother at 17), I did learn the wisdom of seeing it as half full.

  3. i try everyday to make that glass of mine half full…..
    and on those days i just can't, i warn all of those who have contact with me that's it's just not a good day….i think that's fair 🙂

  4. Great words…I try to remember things like this. I have days where the glass is half empty but usually getting out and having a change of scenery gets me in a good mood.

    Very insightful post!


  5. Beautiful words to live by!! I actually have a sign in my kitchen that says, "Bloom Where You Are Planted"! I've always loved that and strive to live my life that way.

  6. Wise words, worth remembering. But sometimes you just forget and misery takes over. As long as it doesn't take over for too long, there's no need to panic I think 😉
    Hope you are ok.


  7. We have all seen how the water in the glass can sometimes evaporate. Beautiful words and good thoughts are there to remind us how we want to feel. I hope that your mind and your body can both reach that place very soon.

  8. Sometimes, I go into my kitchen to read "Take care of your garden, keep out the weeds. Fill it with sunshine, kind words and kind deeds."

    I hope whatever is wrong is soon righted.

  9. Aint that the truth! Great words there, and how true. But it isn't easy all the time to hang those curtains. Sometimes they fall off the rod.
    I think that's just life.

    That quote you wrote put it beautifully. It reminded me of something I read a long time ago. (I forget who said it, but..) this gentleman, when asked, "how can you have such a positive attitude all the time," answered, "when I wake up in the morning I have 2 choices. I can be happy, or I can be unhappy. I choose to be happy."

    I thought, damn, that makes a lot of sense.

  10. And for the rest of us, there is PROZAC.
    No seriously, these are very true words. It is so strange to me how two people can stand side bye side at the the same sunset, and one feels the beauty and the other wonders "What's the big deal?"
    love you big bunches.

  11. I try daily to always see my world as half full…it works about half the time:) Love this quote and it certainly came at the right time for me!

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