It seemed like a good idea at the time

 Last night Junior decided to have a bonfire in the firepit and invited a few friends over.  Then it was a sleepover.  So at 9:30 the husband went to Stop & Shop and got burgers, hotdogs, marshmallows for the smores deal, and there was a late night grilling session.  Then someone thought it would be really cool to set up the tent and sleep outside. 

I took these photos from my spy area, the porch behind a shrowd of darkness because moms aren’t supposed to be anywhere near the camp vicinity, you know.


I warned that it was still kinda chilly,
 but at 15 these things don’t phase you.

But rain does.
 No one bothered to check the forecast, and that includes me. 
So at 4am, voices were heard climbing the stairs to the bedroom
where there would be no blankets or pillows
or even an air mattress
because  they were ALL

 So much for rough’n it.

17 thoughts on “It seemed like a good idea at the time”

  1. Similar happenings here this week Karen!
    My son turned 18 on Thursday, a senior, had friends over for pizza and cake and a bonfire.
    We didn't check for rain either so lots of chairs and cushions were abandoned in the rain and left for me to clean up the next day!
    Boys. Gotta love em, right!?

  2. We have had rain for a few days now… off, then on, then off… but mostly on. Just had another downpour a few minutes ago…. this is our forecast for the next 4 days. Love the rain! Sorry they got soaked. Now you probably have a lot of laundry to do I would suppose… sigh… it's what moms do.


  3. I know it's not funny, but LOLOL!!! Reminds me of one of the times I took my 14-16 age fellowship teens camping; it poured for hours and no place to run. I swore never again, but of course we did. 🙂

    Uh, that pic u'd like to see; not in your wildest dreams girl. 🙂

  4. Boy do I remember those days. Running to Hannafords before it closed and getting chips and salsa, soda and then in the morning serving the breakfast that never ended. Love the pictures of the boys. I miss those days so much.

  5. Oh, no! That's why my idea of "roughing it" involves a motor home! We've tent camped just one too many times in the rain!!!

  6. If I had a nickel for every time my boys abandoned their campout in the back yard…

    It's all part of the experience. Hope you get some sun and wind to dry out those mold-growers!

  7. I do not miss those nights of camping in the rain and thinking it wonderful -smile-. We've a month of rain and it continues so I cannot get into the garden to plant neither seeds nor plants. Everything looks lush though and very beautiful.

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