It’s all relative

   My trek up to the barn and coop were “crunchy” this morning.. best way to describe it.   We got the snow that changed to freezing rain yesterday and the result is about five inches of snow with a hard coating of ice. The good news is my legs are getting a good workout with every lift and step I take back and forth.  Some winters in New England are wishy washy with barely any snow and a whole lot of grey days, and some have seen three to four feet of the white stuff at a time.  This winter is a steady stream of cold, snow, ice, thaw, repeat.

  My blog friend Cheyenne in Canada is experiencing her typical winter… MINUS 43 degrees in the wee hours. She went for a walk yesterday and she could not see over the snow drifts to the fields beyond.  Like walking in a tunnel.  She sent me this pic… a little winter humor… and she said -not quite- what she’s got there right now, but she has seen this kind of snow. 

I guess it’s all relative.
 My remedy last night  to chase the winter blues… a little red.

Can someone tell me why the current location for the winter Olympics was chosen in the first place?  Did they draw straws? Was there a gun to a head involved?  Oh, I know, they -won the bid- Still, hard to fathom any logical conclusions when choosing the location.
Let’s recap…. .Before it even began, gay ban and bashing, literally! Stray dog poisoning, by the hundreds! 
 Lower income residents removed from their housing, which is now demolished to make room for fancy hotel site for athletes, who are welcome even if you are gay.  Really!
What did they do with all those misplaced people?  What WILL they do with the new seaside resort fantasy land they’ve created, once the games are over?
Afraid for your safety? We feel so good about it we’ve got two Navy ships on the coast, just in case! 
Let’s not ignore the current toothpaste terror – the US warned airlines with direct flights serving Russia to be aware of the possibility that  explosive material could be concealed in toothpaste or cosmetic tubes. A US Rep said he feels reasonably sure you will be safe, but he’s not going.  That’s actually what he said.
The U.S. ski and snowboarding team has hired a private security firm. As have just about all other athletes participating. Some have received death and kidnapping threats. 
Some of these things are not new to the Olympic arena…but ALL of these things together?  Do not make for a pretty picture.  Even after all their hard work and desire to attend the games,I don’t think I could, in good conscience, send one of mine over there.
-Just sayin.