It’s not over till it’s over

 I did the last minute fools rush yesterday..first to drop off presents to family that I won’t see before our Christmas Day party, then to a certain store for a few certain gifts, then to the grocery store for the remaining ingredients needed for the Big Day’s menu.   ( I never know exactly where to use apostrophes.. for those of you that I annoy with it, I apologize for my laziness.  Mom. ).   Everyone and their brother and  third cousin twice removed was there doing the same darn thing – the shopping, not the apostrophe abomination.

 Anyway.  I thought I was done. Everyone checked off the list. Everything put away, everything wrapped.  I even found the gift card I thought I lost, which was the best gift ever because I  was tired of trying to conceal the evidence of my negligence from the signifcant other.

 And then last night there was this new development.

Me:  “So, since you and (new guy) M are now officially dating,  did you get him something for Christmas other than the little friend gift you originally got, you know.. before you were dating?”

College girl:  “Noooo, and I probably should, huh. “

Me:  ” Ummm, probably. Just a something, nothing huge. ”

College girl:  ” And , Mom? He got YOU guys something.”

Me:  “WHAT?  Really??… he really didn’t have to do that.  Really shouldn’t have done that…. really?”.

College girl:  ” Yeah, really. Somthing nice.  And he made cookies for you. “

Me:  “MADE COOKIES FOR US?”.   …..

College girl:  ” OMG – I have to work tomorrow, I’m not going to have time to shop for him!?”

Me:  ” *sigh*   Well.  Ok … I guess I’ll head out one more time tomorrow and pick a little something up from us and from you. What does he like? Any sports teams?  Particular colors?”

College girl:   “I don’t really know yet.  Want me to ask  him?” 

Me:  “NO, don’t ask him.  What are you gonna say..  Hey, we’re doing a last minute after-thought shopping spree for you because this is the awkward moment when you’re brand new to the scene and it’s CHRISTMAS and you came on the scene  right at the last minute when we don’t really know you yet but you made cookies and are bearing gifts. Can you give us a hint so we can buy you a meaningful gift? “

Back to the stores I go.

And the dog has a fever this morning so I’ll probably be visiting the vet too.  Awesome.

Any suggestions?  This is what I know – male college student, medium build, tall-dark-polite-handsome.  Gives gifts immediately upon meeting you.

 This is an actual Light-Up Men’s Christmas Sweatshirt.  Whadayathink?

No, I did not buy it. Just.. can you just imagine? 🙂

15 thoughts on “It’s not over till it’s over”

  1. Let me know if you decide to go with that sweater. I would then invite him to our sisterhood/brotherhood sweater party next year. (Keep that in mind too, just in case you end up not liking him, it would be a trip out of town!)

  2. Karen,

    You've done it again! I usually read your blog through my google reader, but since I wanted to give you some gift suggestions for your last minute development, I came to this old house too, and you know what happened? My absolute favorite holiday song piped through my computer. You know the one. The one that I start humming the day after Thanksgiving. The one that comes to mind every time I start ginning around the house making cookies or arranging decorations or wrapping packages.

    Thanks for reading my mind (yet again).

    i-Tunes gift card
    book–how about The Things They Carried
    peanut brittle

    Merry Christmas!


  3. Oh Em Gee.. that sweater! I am so laughing HARD!!

    No clue what to get him, but yes, iTunes gift cards are always a pretty safe bet.

    Have fun shopping!!!

    P.S. FINALLY over the cold. Will get to the signature as soon as humanly possible.

  4. My daughter went to an "Ugliest Christmas Sweatshirt Party" and this would have been great!

    It's hard when the kids are 'just dating'. I rely on the good old button down shirt.

    Bravo to you for heading out into the throng!


  5. Oh yeah that shirt would go over like…… well you know, lol. Hope you found just the perfect gift. I am going to head out to hopefully finish my shopping this evening, im always pushing it to the last minute.
    Hope it is a warm and wonderful day with the ones you love, Merry Christmas!

  6. The shirt is absolutely hilarious!! The ITunes Gift Card might be good…how about Peppermint Bark…Williams Sonoma is to die for!! Good Luck Karen…I'm off to do some of that crazy stuff right now!!

  7. Oh Karen, you are too funny!!! Hmmmm, good luck on that one. What about a pillow pet??? Ha, my son wanted one for Christmas! I'm sure our dog Miles is gonna love it too!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hope it's grand!

  8. HAAHAHAH! YAY FOR THE SHIRT! You are so awesome…

    I'm the happiest girl since stumbling on your blog, cause Lady, you make me howl with laughter.

    Good luck with the new guy at Christmas!

    Who really ever knows with apostrophes?! Who cares!

    Merry Christmas!

  9. OMG! That is hilarious and if he were smart, he would run screaming from the house if he opened that!!! Ha! You can't go wrong with a gift card! Now you have me tickled! I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  10. Wow, that guy sounds like a keeper. Thoughtful and he can bake…not too many of those around even if women were included -smile-.
    Merry Christmas, let us know what you got him.

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