I’ve been unfaithful

  We’ve been together for a long time, not really sure when it began to go sour.  So many good times – picnics at the park, family gatherings, The Vineyard, St. John, long walks with the dogs,  romantic sunsets on the beach.  I thought it would never end, the pure joy when we were together.

But …relationships change, needs change… and I began to want more.  I grew, but the rebel didn’t.  What we had was a comfortable existence, but it wasn’t enough.   And so…  when tall, dark, handsome and extremely well equipped showed up on my doorstep, I let go of the past and grabbed  hold of  the future with reckless abandon.

   While the attraction was instant,  the relationship is still very new.  I’m treading lightly here. There are fits and starts as we get to know each other, not sure if I’m pushing all the right buttons – but already there is music and I am in love.  I can no longer deny my feelings… and … we’ve  been photographed together so the Jig is Up.

 I guess this is it… good bye, my rebel friend.


(God help me.  Or atleast give me a dummys encyclopedia on HOW TO…. in english)

  Tonight I’ll be sitting fireside with my new beau… and his instruction manual. 
 If only they ALL came with instructions.


23 thoughts on “I’ve been unfaithful”

  1. Hi Karen, I do not think I have been over here in a long time. What a cute and funny post…with gorgeous pictures. I just had an affair myself, and I am falling quickly for the new flame in my life. I still have a lot to learn. Have fun and Happy new Year!

  2. No kidding on the instructions! I'll be interested to know how it goes with your camera. I'm still on my Canon Powershot. But one of these days…

  3. Congratulations! Sounds like a winner of a camera. Instructions? BAH! You will do fine with it.


  4. Whoa! LOVING the new pics Karen! You do not need an instruction manual…you are doing just fine!!! My favorite….the little white puppy!!

  5. Karen, This marks a beginning for you. You are stepping up to a new level of photography. You have eye, for very artistic work. This new camera will let you expand your horizon. This is one of the tools to help you with one of your major loves, photography.
    Read the manual, but just remember,go out and shoot as much, as time permits. The more you shoot, the more you learn. Then go back and read more in the manual.

    Good luck with you new camera, and I look forward to seeing all the results.

    Happy New Year!!!…Tim

  6. You funny girl!! Love the pics, and your new beau is awesome; I think the two of you were made for each other. 🙂

  7. Aaaaaa! I wish we could study together! Only you're light years ahead and I live way over here and I would be annoying cuz you'd have to teach me. Ha!

    Awesome girl!

    Those shots are stunning!

  8. ohhhhhh what a new beau !
    let me know how you like it…..2011 is bringing a new camera to me too and i'm so torn as to what to get.

  9. I cringed when I started reading this, then laughed out loud when I got to the punch line. I see from today's post and this one that you and the cam are really getting used to each other. Just what a girl needs!

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