Just Breathe

Why do I feel guilty if I take moments like this
to just swing in the hammock under the trees on the hill
and marvel at the work accomplished
..to breathe in the beauty before me
..to just… be.
We only pass through once. 
Don’t forget to breathe easy and enjoy the scenery….

24 thoughts on “Just Breathe”

  1. i'm all about the relaxing and drinking it in…

    and btw, 95 steps from front door to barn. i could shave 30 steps off of that if i went out the back door from the bedroom, but barn shoes and carpeting don't mix… 🙂

  2. My husband said for years and years that he wanted a hammock. I finally, a couple of years ago, insisted he buy one and it hangs between two trees up on our hill. Love spending time in it when the weather allows… especially in the springtime. It's a two person hammock so it's fun. :-))


  3. I love hammock time! If it just didn't leave all those darn criss-crosses all over my body!
    I like the idea of 130 steps to the barn … looks like a very lovely walk!

  4. Hi,

    I SO agree with you! Why do we all feel the need to stay so busy…Hope you enjoyed your time in the hammock and relaxed…Looks so peaceful!

  5. My mom used to tell me," We are human- beings not human human-doings";) Glad you found time to enjoy this lovely day!

  6. Yeah, it's weird that we feel guilty for relaxing now and again. But just enjoy. Lovely spot you have there. Raven's mom was right! I'll be keeping that in mind from now on too 😉

  7. I would love to swinging in a hammock next to you. And we could plan a *Welcome* party for John and Kelly. And then your hubby could plow a long field, concrete it, and put in a small air traffic control tower so John and Kelly could fly in on their Jumbo Jet. Wouldn't your neighbors love that 🙂

    A girl can dream while she is swinging in a hammock, can't she?
    xo, misha

  8. Are just trying to taunt me with the publication you have there?

    My sister asked me if I ever felt guilty for sitting around and being non-productive. We were doing this on Saturday morning while having coffee. And I told her no. I work hard all week and this is my reward.

    I can't tell you to not feel guilty, but I think that most of us can relate.

  9. It took me a while to figure out…farm work will always be there. I just have to reach a point and stop because I'm never finished.
    Daniel is coming by tonight and one of the things on my Daniel list is put up the hammock – ahhhhhhh!

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