Less is More

….will somebody please remind me of this atleast once weekly from now through the rest of my life?  
I’m serious.

The barn/garage  moves forward…. Gaeton is back on the job to start the siding. 
 There is something remarkable about these next  two photos….
He just had major rib-cracking open-heart surgery five weeks ago.  He’s crazy like that. 
Below are Dominic(Mike’s long-time electrician) Mike, and Gaeton.
Inside the barn, Dominic is wiring…….
Wayne and crew are staining….
…and the adirondacks await a new coat of paint… a much lighter shade of green.
Joe is back to help Steve finish the second chimney.
 They’re now up on the roof, which means we can finish the flooring inside.
Ben’s “pasture” is now just about finished with black link to ensure the dogs stay “in”.
Most of the remainder of the lawn is seeded and hayed. 
 Let it rain!

13 thoughts on “Less is More”

  1. I've moved around enough times to have a perfect image of cardboard boxes sitting around waiting to be unpacked emblazoned upon my blonde brain. LOL
    You must be getting VERY excited about actually having your dream come true of living in that lovely farm house. I'm sooo happy for you.


  2. Beautiful! I am always so excited to see all of the wonderful progress on your house and property, I'm sure no one is more excited than you and your family though!

    Kat 🙂

  3. It looks perfect! *sigh*
    Gaeton should perhaps take it a little bit easier, but hey… if he feels well enough 😉

  4. It looks so peaceful there Karen! I think you guys will just LOVE every single minute of living there!!! Bet you can't wait!! It is awesome!!

  5. If I close my eyes, I can still feel the horror or three full days the moving crew spent packing and moving us to this house. It's been almost 3 years now, and there's still stuff I can't find. Boxes? Yeah, we got 'em.

    Your place must look like a bee hive some days. People on the roof, people on ladders on the wall, people working on the floor, people everywhere!

  6. Hullo there Karen…though we just met(here), I feel like we've know each other longer…an ease.
    I think that I am going to LOVE getting to know your world and my husband will too. Your new building is gorgeous. What awesome friends you have to help and do such quality work. Gaeton, what a man…I'd be the same, get me back to it!
    I have tons of questions…but will diligently LOOK for my answers first, it will be fun!
    Really tying to send YOU some of OUR RAINS! hehe!

  7. I don't want to talk about boxes and unpacking. I have 3 storage units full of stuff I haven't seen in 4 years. Maybe I should just leave it there. If I haven't seen it in 4 years what could possible be in there that I can't live without right? Your land is spectacular and your construction is moving along beautifully. I can't wait to watch all your goings on. We seem to live parallel construction lives. You are one busy lady. We are two busy ladies!

  8. Just think Karen…this may very well be the LAST time you pack boxes! Living in that beautiful house you'll never want to leave it!! I so enjoy watching the progress. You all much be wicked excited…!

  9. I just found your blog today and it is fabulous. What a great property. Also, the dog pasture is very nice. I bet Ben appreciates it.

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