Let there be Light – and the third day revelation

      While furniture hunting for Stella in a thrift store last week I spied a pair of matching hurricane lamps on sale for $45.  I didn’t buy them at the time but I kept thinking about them after.  Yesterday the pull was too great and I found myself back at the store gazing at the pair.  Not far from them was yet another. We need about five lamps for the entire cottage and there are no light switches, all lighting is of the plug in variety.  I want a vintage look where I can manage it, so these would be perfect… if they work. 
      I had the manager pull the lamps down off the high shelf they rested on and asked him to confirm that they are in working condition… two of the three work fine, all in good condition including the cords, but the third has a broken twist switch thing.  When we saw this I told him I would take the two that work. When we got up to the counter with my finds, he also wrapped the broken one and said I could have it for free, and it’s an easy fix for an electrician.  
     I know just the guy, he’s currently working on Stellas Electrical stuff.  Here are my finds… Let there be Light! 
The lamp below is the one with a twin. 
    Regarding the revelation – we started the Nutrisystem plan three days ago.  I can tell you this – the entrees we’ve eaten so far aren’t bad. The portions are very small but if you follow the plan, it’s all do-able. Adding fresh veggies and fruit in moderation plus drinking plenty of water is the key.  My husband will remain on the diet for at least several months, he really likes it and is finding he does not feel deprived for the most part.   For me?… too much gluten content and therefore a bloated belly.  I am not a celiac, but there’s no question gluten doesn’t like me.  Having it occasionally is OK, but a daily intake of food with gluten in it bloats me out, and that’s what happened within three days of  this diet.  I chatted online with one of their counselors, he was very helpful.  He said most of the nutrisystem entries do have gluten in them, including things that don’t have WHEAT in them, so if you are a gluten sensitive person they don’t recommend the plan.  I did know going in that there was much that contained gluten. I had hoped with the very small portions it wouldn’t bother me so much. 
   Bottom line, the Mr. will continue, and it’s a do-able program for those not looking to be rid of gluten for the most part in their diet.  All is not lost, however – I now see what my portions need to be and have learned through their instructions how to incorporate fresh fruits, veggies and water in the right portions – with smart snacks inbetween.    The downside to Nutrisystem is, you do receive a month supply of food with each delivery and  it costs $90 to cancel. Yep, that’s a big cancellation fee.  I also have a month’s worth of food I’m not going to use – but the Mr. will make use of it so it will not go to waste. 
  On a political note – how’bout them power-drunk  GOP’ers trying to eliminate the Ethics committee in a shady-deal evening  un-publicized meeting.   This is a  committee that is designed to make sure congress remains… you know… ETHICAL.   Now, I am not coming to the dark side with the following statement, as a FB friend suggested, but I like to think I’m open minded enough to give credit where credit is due, unlike many of the Obama hating crew.  I  give the  Trump Tweet regarding this issue  that accompanied all the cries of outrage on both sides of the isle a high five, the public outrage forcing  the GOP to flip flop on the decision. The whole thing reminds me of  cockroaches in an apartment – like when the light in the kitchen is turned on and they all scurry down the drain.   Granted.. it’s just a tiny little vernal pool on the side of that huge swamp he promised to drain, but we’ll take it.  Indeed… Let There Be Light.