Living on the Skin

Vicky of The Westra World posted a quote on her blog today.
I placed it on one of my photos here…
and I will tack it up on my bulletin board too.
(maybe a tattoo on the forehead?.. as a reminder)


 Here is why it’s particularly poignant coming from Vicky –
She’s just been slammed with a diagnosis that would knock anyone to their knees.
This courageous mother of two young  boys is so gracious, with an open heart.
I am amazed at her strength, her resolve,
her gratitude despite the battle ahead of her.
She’s on a mission, and I see someone who’s got what it takes to win.
Fight like a girl, Vicky-

15 thoughts on “Living on the Skin”

  1. Ahhh, total tears of gratitude Karen. Can I have one too, to tack up where I can see it? Love ya girlie! Its such an honor. Fight like a girl!!

  2. Funny how we take so many things for granted — like breathing, for example. I agree with you and Vickie that stepping back and looking at life as a whole helps to center and ground us. 🙂

  3. Karen- I got sidetracked. I went over and read many of her posts. My heart aches for her and her family. Stage 4 cancer is a huge recovery hill to climb-but I still believe in miracles. Thank you for posting this link. xxoo Diana

  4. I don't know Vicki but will keep her in my prayers. This is a lovely reminder.
    Thanks Karen! BTW- we must do dinner again soon! 🙂

  5. What an amazing woman and my prayers go out to her and her family. God works miracles everyday and I will be praying for theirs! Fight like a girl!

  6. Thanks. This quote is going on my fridg.
    I know she will win. I have to say it's alot to to with the mind. Don't be a loser. Fight and keep a clear head.


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