Looking in the mirror


Today I see a woman who, at 46, still doesn’t  really know what she wants to be when she grows up.
I see a woman who wants to age gracefully and appreciate the gift,
but has a hard time with the signs of age despite her best intentions.
I see a woman who tries to please many, and in doing so…sometimes pleases no one.
Thankfully…. tomorrow is another day –
What do YOU see today when you look in the mirror?

34 thoughts on “Looking in the mirror”

  1. I see someone who isn't happy with the aging process, but is willing to let it happen. 🙂

    I also wonder why I still get zits at the age of 42!!!


  2. I am 'older' and I still want to learn new things and try different styles and keep changing! And most of the time I feel happy to be me… searching to be better! I hope I always feel this way! You are a beautiful young woman and have so much energy for life! No wonder we are good friends! ♥ (ps I posted photos of myself today that I did NOT think were flattering at ALL…but I said…what the hey! heehee! It's ME!)

  3. Gray hairs, a few wrinkles, and a ton of pimples! I must say that you have the most stunning green eyes!! Beautiful! I think you should be a photographer when you grow up!

  4. I see someone in my mirror that is real, real tired today. Been one of those weeks. Honey, you may never know what you want to be when you grow up. I still don't!

  5. I'm always a bit surprised when I look in the mirror. There is usually this older woman looking back at me. Funny, it sure doesn't feel like me. I'm much younger than that woman. You know what they say, "You are only as old as you feel"! So I just don't let that old woman stop me from feeling like a kid again.

  6. I see someone who is looking forward to the next stages in life–kids both going away to college–and trying to figure out what the future may hold.

    I also see someone who could use some sunny weather-SOON! 🙂


  7. I don't look It's a distraction. If I actually believe I am that person, I will start limiting myself for sundry reasons. I have always lived the person I feel, not the one I see.

  8. I think you and I share the same mirror. For the first time in my life, I have begun to see someone in the mirror who has some age on her. I'm trying to deal with it, but it's not been easy. (Kim, I don't even look at the body.)

    What I HAVE learned as I get older is that we don't EVER have to be just ONE thing as we grow. We have the right to change our mind, and change our course, as we go. We can be whatever we WANT to be … whenever we want to be … THAT'S the best part of getting older.

  9. I'm 55 and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. That thought upset me more when I was 46 than it does now, if that gives you any solace. The passage of time is the ultimate parameter that we all must live within. All any of can do is carry on with grace, kindness, and beauty. Thank you for writing a lovely blog!

  10. You do have gorgeous eyes!

    I see someone that never, ever thought I wouldn't be able to ride my beloved horses again
    because of a body that is failing me.
    Lately, I see someone that is sad more days than happy, because of limitations. And none are because of age! That's what sucks 🙁

    Tomorrow is another day. I intend to make it a good one and walk with Annie 🙂 After, I clean stalls….
    xo, misha

  11. I see Miss Jean from Romper Room when I look in my magic mirror! LOL!!

    Such a great question. I see someone who's ageing gracefully – thank goodness! Who wants to do so much and help many with so little time to spare.

    Thanks for stopping by today, that recipe is really yummy!

  12. It's hard being young but not young, that stage when our kids are in high school and what we want isn't ever discussed. Years of family stuff and you kind of get lost in the mix. Hold on Karen, your time is coming and there will be plenty of time to figure out your future plans! You do have beautiful eyes, and even with my reading glasses on… I see nary a wrinkle!!

  13. When you reach your late fifties (like me), all I can hope for is to try to be age appropriate and do the best I can. All that "I've earned this grey hair and wrinkles" is crap as far as I am concerned. Hopefully, vanity is not the foundation of who I am as a person, but a tweak here and there would be awfully nice!
    If I could go back ten years, I think I might like that!

  14. Can we change the subject? I am 57. I feel 25 on the inside, but the mirror and my pant size say differently. Promised myself YEARS ago I would never let my body get out of shape, but when your feet hurt it slows you down and the pounds just accumulate. I wish I were 50 again. I still looked hot!

  15. What do i see? Don't even get me started and I'm only 34! lol I see I wish I had taken better care of my skin earlier on. Who wishes she liked water because I think my skin would be happier if I did. I think you are a beautiful woman Karen!

  16. Maybe we're never supposed to know what we're going to be when we grow up. That would mean we HAVE to grow up.

    Hang in there cute-girl.

  17. I see someone who tries to look the best she can with the aging process. I fight it every step of the way. lol
    I do try to exercise and get proper nutrition but it is still a battle as you age.
    You look great!

  18. I see one tired woman. We are in Texas, had a funeral today for my step father in law. He had 8 kids, Mom has 8 kids, there were 18 grand kids and idk how many great grand kids. But the dinner afterwards was so much fun visiting. Oh and we are in Texas. Poor Roamy is probably sleeping in my mail box, or on my bff counter.

  19. The mirror is NOT MY FRIEND! I curse and loath all that I see in it's reflection. (and I could swear it curses back)

  20. Hmmmm – I don't suppose you thought of this post after my Senior Citizen TRAUMA the other day?!

    What do I see? Aghhhhhh – all I see is LIP WRINKLES!!!!! Why can't they come up with a cure for THAT!!!????? HATE THEMMMMMMMMMM!!!!

  21. Good question Karen…I don't know really…sometimes when I take extra care I feel good looking in the mirror …sometimes I catch myself in a mirror and I think hmmmmm..not so good. Sometimes I wonder if I were to move somewhere that nobody knew who I was would I be the same person? I am just grateful I am healthy when it comes right down do it…

  22. today because i'm in such a funk….i see somebody i don't know and somebody i don't want to stay around very long….she's being stubborn though and even with lunch and an afternoon tea, she's still sitting there looking right back at me…..

  23. Ah the subject of aging…falls under the category of "there is nothing we can do about it so don't stress over it…" (that's my take anyway)

    We wake up one day, and look in the mirror and ask…"Who is that?!" "When did this happen?"

    My grandmother died at 82. (She shouldn't have but that's another story) She was bed ridden the last part of her life…(bad hip replacement surgery)

    She was a child of the "Roaring Twenties". When she died she didn't have a wrinkle on her face even though much of her youth was spent on boats and beaches.
    As she lay there she told me, "Don't worry about getting older because we are always the same inside..we are always "us". That never changes…"

  24. Sorry I did not see this sooner. We all feel this way from time to time…you are beautiful inside & out. For real. And I do not say that about a lot of people.
    Me? I'm just glad everyday that I can get out of bed & match my clothes! LOL!!!:)

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