Lord, help me to accept the things I cannot change….

This is what happens when you send a bunch of 16 year olds
in to the Halloween Shop and say “I’ll be right back”
because you’ve got a hanker’n for those Macoun apples at the farm market
down the road… and heck, what kinda trouble can they get into
at the halloween store, right?
This weekend is the BIG TEST, don’t ya know.
The Drivers Test, in case you don’t.
see post title above.
*heavy…… heavy… sigh*
HIM:  Mom, you know, after Friday noon time, I’m gonna be FREE AS A BIRD!
(flapping wings in a ridiculous frenzy)
ME:  *heavy……..HEAVY…. deep and agonizing sigh*    with maybe a whimper
at the back of my throat , catching in the bile that is upchucking from my acid-riddled
anxiety prone stomach  and its contents.

Just sayin.

21 thoughts on “Lord, help me to accept the things I cannot change….”

  1. Wow great outfit does the second one seem alittle tight fitting? haha
    The drivers test will all work out . A good friend of mine is always throwing good and positive thoughts to me so im throwing them right back at ya

  2. I understand your anxiety. Deep breathing helps and the occasional margarita won't hurt, either.

    The photo could prove quite useful down the road… for blackmail!

  3. That purple outfit is somethin' else!!

    I remember those agonizing feelings, Karen. I second the recommendation on the Margarita! Good luck to the Ready to Fly!!

  4. Boyz~~~~chin up, it could be a lot worse! Hope he passes his test. Little by little they begin to gain their freedom, preparing them for the world. Wonderful for kids, tough on moms.

  5. it's always a double edged sword….their independence, that comes with a drives license and the fact that we never having to transport them again {for the most part}….. while our hearts and nerves are never the same as worry takes over…..

    ps….the outfits are a hoot !!

  6. I like your son's sense of humor! Good luck to him with his driving test! Eeeek, Karen you better stock up on that "Stomach Ease" tea!

  7. My kids are grown and I have little wee grandkids now. I remember those days like they were yesterday of firsts for my kids. May God protect your children as they begin to take steps towards adulthood. I sometimes miss my kids being little again, those years flew by. The relationship we have as adults has been blessed in so many ways. Hold on tight Mom….and fluff those wings, this is all part of our job as parents 🙂

    ~ Lisa ~

  8. I hated the day my daughter got her lience even though she had been driving since she was 9years old.Yes we lived on 2000 acres so she drove around the paddocks but I still dreaded her on the roads,Not her driving that was fine.No I was worried about other idoits on the road.good luck prepare to get grey hair-ha ha -love dee x

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