Lunch Date and a High Five

 High praise to all of you who left thoughtful and respectful comments on the previous post, regardless of where you stand on the issue. I’m often sad over the state of things all over the world and I wonder how a person with little significance like myself can make any kind of difference, aid in any way toward positive change.  Well, conversations like the one we just had is one way we can all make a difference in a very big way.  By changing the way we all communicate. Every step in the right direction paves the road to a better world, and I thank you.

The Mr. and I had a lunch date at Mystic Pizza

bottom pizza – the Mediteranean – artichoke, roasted red pepper, spinach, garlic, red onion

I could live here….

This shot was taken at about 25 mph while hanging arms out window because
someone has no patience when I want to stop and take a shot.
Not bad for a drive-by.

She’s a brick…….
she’s mighty mighty…
(anyone know the next line?)

I hope I’ve got you singing that song now, still one of my favorites
from when – we were young – the lyrics and tune elevate you, it can’t be helped
it’s gritty and funky and fun.
Trains run all along our shoreline, often right along the water –

Many Mystic homes in the historic district have widows walks…
According to Wikipedia if you’re interested…
A widow’s walk also known as a “widow’s watch” (or roofwalk) is a railed rooftop platform often with a small enclosed cupola frequently found on 19th-century North American coastal houses. A popular romantic myth holds that the platform was used to observe vessels at sea. The name is said to come from the wives of mariners, who would watch for their spouses’ return, often in vain as the ocean took the lives of the mariners, leaving the women widows.[1] In other coastal communities, the platforms were called Captain’s Walk, as they topped the homes of the more successful captains; supposedly, ship owners and captains would use them to search the horizon for ships due in port.

A pink house is always whimsical –
 and just look at the trim details…
This restaurant is actually painted the color of  the deep blue-purple
you see in oyster and muscle shells, my picture doesn’t do it justice.
I bet the food is spectacular.
…and that’s all I’m gonna say about that.
It’s a new day, folks – make it a good one.

22 thoughts on “Lunch Date and a High Five”

  1. Love looking at beautiful buildings, and Mystic has many, great shots Karen, even the one during the driveby. The widow peaks?? Isn't that where the wives would look for the return of the walers back in the day?

  2. Your 'hanging out the window' shot is better than some of my 'standing still' shots 🙂
    Love all the pictures but the rail one is my favorite for some reason.
    The pizza does look awesome, maybe some day I'll stop in Mystic for longer than 1/2 hour on my way to MV.

  3. Anything with artichokes is yummy … pizza especially!

    Purple with orange!!! Love it when towns allow (and apparently encourage) individuality and imagination.

    The new header photo is totally dreamy!

  4. I used to travel to the NE on business when I worked for a company based in Rogers, CT. I wish I'd had my photography interest going on much stronger during that time because the towns and buildings are just picture perfect. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Awesome photo's! You show us places and things we wouldn't otherwise be able to see. And, such beautiful surroundings. 🙂

    That pizza looks so good; wish I had some now for breakfast!

    LOVE the new header.


  6. I love your photos- makes me excited to start taking some myself. The drive-by church shot turned out stunning… and the pizza has left my aching tummy craving food suddenly…

  7. So is the pizza really "a slice of heaven"? Never had Mystic Pizza. Great pics! LOVE your new header photo!

  8. Yes Karen, you got many of us thinking with yesterdays post.
    I have only driven thru Mystic, how blessed are you….pizza looks yummy and what a beautiful sea-side spot. Be well. Karen acapecodnest

  9. Oh, Karen. I have always wanted to stop in Mystic on our way to Maine. But SOMEONE wants to just keep going.
    Reading this post and seeing the images (well done – love the train tracks) I miss my widow's walk even more now. But it's ok. Things happen is all. And hey, if you can't adapt to change – well, hell. It doesn't matter how strong you are.

  10. …"just lettin' it all hang out" I love that one too! We must be close in age. 🙂
    Oh my gosh, that Mediterranean pizza looks out of this world delicious!! Now you've got me wanting pizza!! Yum! Is that the place from the movie?
    I adore that boat picture. Such a peaceful scene, and all your pics really depict what my mind sees when I think of New England. I've never been, but would love to visit there someday…my bucket list is quite long. 🙂

  11. You should be proud of the followers you have little missy. A thoughtful bunch and pretty darn lovely in spirit if I may say so.


  12. Great pictures, Karen. uh-oh-did I miss controversy yesterday? Dare I go back? lol
    Mystic Pizza- wasn't that the movie that gave Julia Roberts her start? I love those small towns like that- xo Diana

  13. … Just lettin' it all hang out!

    LOVE, LOVE the photos!

    Guess what song I won't be able to get out of my head now?

  14. The architecture back east is so pretty! I love it, it's my favorite! The pizza with the artichokes looked so good! I love, love the picture of the ship!

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