Maybe Kate sat here….

 Look what I found at a vintage shop in Westbrook, called Not Just A Crock.
I fell in love with the chipped light blue chair
with brown velvet and embroidery.
I was told it came from the beach cottage right next to Kate’s
in Fenwick, Old Saybrook.  The cottage’s family of many decades was moving
 and there was age-old furniture throughout the house that no one wanted.
This chair was among them. 
Just think!.. this was Ms. Hepburn’s
 neighbor for many years!
Maybe she DID sit here….  

 This pillow came with it.. it smells of musty old beach cottage.

 I sanded down the flaking paint and cleaned it up just a bit.
I think I  like it just the way it is.


34 thoughts on “Maybe Kate sat here….”

  1. Kate who? I don't know your area so no idea who Kate is. Sorry… don't mean to sound stupid, although it's a lovely chair.


  2. How quickly we forget the real Katheryn and fast forward to the present day Kate as charming and beautiful as she is. Bet Kate did sit in this chair, at least once don't you think? Who could resist.

  3. Oh wonderful old Kathyrn Hepburn! Who didn't love that lass-as a young woman and in her later years-On Golden Pond was such an endearing part for her. Great chair and I like it just like it is too. That candlewicked cat pillow had to have been from the 70's or early 80's. Fun find! xo Diana

  4. That's it dammit! Now I have to come over and sit on a chair that maybe Katharine Hepburn sat in. She is my favorite. Such a trailblazer for all of us (women).

  5. wow….i bet kate did sit there…and with her sense of humor, even told a dirty joke or two 🙂

  6. What a treasure, how I loved her movies and her fortitude. Catching glimpses of her private life rarely, she lived life on her terms! The chair is perfect, pillow too. You are so lucky to live where you do with history all around you!

  7. It's perfect…I wouldn't change a thing!

    You know, Ms. Hepburn enjoyed thrift shopping herself. In fact, she once found an old rocking chair in a thrift shop in LA (I think) and had it fixed up…dubbed it the Spencer Tracy Chair!

    This one I can imagine her in…I can imagine she'd want something with substance, but not too much, a little padding, but not too much, and muted colors. Oh yes, I can well imagine her in your chair.

  8. What a treasure. I love it just the way it is. How fitting for classic Kate of Connecticut.

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