Mini Kitchens

A person could spend hours and hours
looking for ideas on the internet.
I’m doing my best not to get too tangled up in the world of miniatures
as I fix up my fixer-upper dollhouse…
These are just a few pictures of kitchens others have put together…
Are you a fan of modern furniture?…
There’s stuff for that.
How about Shabby Chic?..
there’s stuff for that too…
You might remember a gorgeous mini sink I was coveting..
but the price tag was $75. or something like that.
Ain’t happening here.
See the sink in the pic above?
I found one just like it for $9. 
Do you like a rustic country kitchen?
There’s stuff for that too…
I just love this room above, someone put alot of time and thought
into putting that together. It looks real, doesn’t it? 
Then there is the clean country chic look…
Can you believe the details in this elaborate room??
I’m going for a simple country shabby look.
I have picked up a few pieces, none of which were crazy expensive and
some of which I’ve made myself.
Here’s a preview…
This is a photo of the Edgartown Light house on Marthas Vineyard.
(one of our favorite places on earth)
I shrunk the picture down in photoshop to 2 inches by 1 1/2 inches,
then printed it out… then  used a wide clear mailing tape
and covered the picture with that to give it a -glass over print- look.
The matte was made form a heavy piece of linen paper.
The photo would NOT cooperate this morning,
you’ll have to view it sideways, sorry.  
My sink, with a burlap dust ruffle I’m not sure I love. If I were a crafty seamstress I would have
done a better job, but once it’s in place with other things around it I think it will
be OK. 
The kitchen table and chairs with dish set I found on etsy.
I’m not a big fan of pink, but the dishes came with the table and chairs.
Hmmm.. how to work that into the kitchen scheme without making
it a pinkish room.
I’m thinking a rubbed out muted green for accents?
The living room walls have been a problem. Because this is an old old dollhouse,
there are dents and lumps and bumps in the walls from previous “stuff”
and no matter what paint I put on it, it looks bad.
Wallpaper is a pain in the *ss, to be blunt.
So I decided last night to barnboard that room too, and I painted it a
pickled white.  I think when all is said and done it will have the look I’m trying to achieve.
Toothpicks have been involved in my dollhouse redo – but I’m not telling where.
Honestly, you can look around the house and find things to use.
If you’ve ever thought about doing a project like this,
I highly recommend it.  It can be done on a shoe string budget and with
things you have laying around the house if you use your imagination.
Lots of bargains and supplies available online from elaborate to very cheap.
As you know, I found the dollhouse at a junk shop for $40.!
Time to get breakfast on the table… enough dollhouse drivel for today.
Have a good day, all – as always, thanks for stopping by.

10 thoughts on “Mini Kitchens”

  1. Karen, Nice work and good bargain hunting……The good thing about America, there is something for everyone to do or collect….Cars, boats, collectables, stamps,etc. and of course doll houses. The important thing is have fun doing it, and that I can see you are doing…..keep having fun, we all enjoy the pictures and ideas!……Tim

  2. What fun! I love the look you are going for. I have a concentration in architecture. My favorite project in college was a lighting project in which we had to create a room to scale and provide all of the lighting in the room. Now you have me thinking that I may need to get a doll house! I can hardly wait to see your finished product!!!

  3. For some reason, everything you like, I like. 🙂

    However, I do like the skirting around the little sink. And, I think you'll like it better too, as you said when the rest is finished.

    I'm looking on the internet a lot, but for a regular house; not having much luck.


  4. I think I must be a combination of shabby chic/rustic country/clean country, because those are the ones I'm drawn to.

    Yours is looking great! Can't wait to see more progress.

  5. What a fun view into little places. I love it- that elaborate room is jus amazing….they all are really. Great find on the sink and love the table AND the dishes, too. xo Diana

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