Mystic Pizza

 Today I  took my girl  (who apparently STILL NEEDS ME on occasion!  I won’t dwell on the fact that it usually revolves around replenishment of funds and stuff )  to Mystic Seaport for some retail therapy and Mystic Pizza – Do you know, they still play the movie in the actual joint? We had the Mediterranean and Buffalo Chicken specialty pies…  I will say, their pizza is OK… but it doesn’t compare to what we get at Modern or Pepe’s in New Haven. Of course, even in New Haven you can’t get the pie I grew up on in New York.  

 All over the restaurant there are photos of Julia and the cast, scenes from the movie…and other Hollywood icons as well.  Speaking of Julia… I have always loved her movies and she’s one of my favorite actresses.  I just don’t get the Eat Pray Love thing.. the book didn’t grab me and the movie didn’t either, although anyone could admire the scenery.  Am I the only one?


11 thoughts on “Mystic Pizza”

  1. I haven't been too inspired to get the book and read it. And I never go to the movies. I wait until things are on Netflix so I can stay at home to watch. But I get the feeling it's not really quite up my alley either.

  2. I saw Mystic Pizza and loved it! That was Julia's start, I guess. Eat Pray Love was an excellent book {to me} but I'm not too sure about the movie…I hear it can get boring in parts.

    Happy Weekend, Karen!


  3. I haven't seen Mystic Pizza in ages. I haven't read or seen the Eat Pray Love movie because I felt like I got the gist of it from the Oprah show and that was as much as I needed. That pizza from here looks mighty delish…

  4. I bought the Eat Pray Love book and never got past the first chapter or two. Not because of boredom, just because I am a lame book reader. Haven't seen the movie either but most people, like you, have said it's not good so I will most likely wait until it's on pay per view and pay $3.95 to see it.

    We have pizza for dinner tonite at our fave pizza parlor as we do every Friday nite. Yours looks quite delish!


  5. Glad to hear I am not the only one. I tried to like the book…I really did. But it just didn't speak to me the way I thought it would. Maybe because the author is in her 30's (no offense to 30- somethings…it was a great decade) and I am past a lot of her 'stuff'.

    Your Little Ms Sunshine looks fabulous in that pic above, btw.


  6. Hey you weren't far from my neck of the woods today! I have often gone to Mystic Pizza II and have to agree with you that is isn't the best pizza…not bad but not the best…I have a feeling that I would feel the same way about Eat, Pray, Love…not bad but not the best either…

  7. I'm going to check out Mystic Pizza while we are visiting!! I loved that movie so I have to check it out!! I have not read the book or seen the movie Eat Pray Love. I did see the Oprah show and I just decided to wait til it comes out on DVD. Glad you had a good time with your daughter!!! She is so cute!! A perfect day…retail therapy AND pizza!

  8. We've been to Mystic and I saw the pizzeria, but we didn't eat there.

    The Eat Pray Love thing: I have this tendency to stay away from anything that is overhyped. I think the book was definitely overhyped, so I find myself digging my heels in and staying away from it.

    I'm that way about movies, too.


  9. I can't possibly comment. Haven't seen the movies. Haven't read the book. Like pizza though. And who is the beautiful moviestar who's about to take a slice of that pizza?

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