New Chick Hut and holy twitter storm, Batman

 Today I ran around like-a-chicken-without-it’s-head  looking for a new box to house the chicks in on our summer porch.  They’re growing like weeds!…  First I  stopped in the local hardware store – nothing big enough but they let me look through the dumpster anyway.  Much appreciated.   Then I headed over to Stop and Shop and asked the grocery store clerk if they might have a box from old deliveries I could buy or take off their hands.  Turns out they recycle all boxes  at 7 a.m. every morning, where they are all crushed in a compactor.  So, If I want to get there at 6:30-ish a.m. tomorrow I could get a big box from them.   I appreciated the tip,  put that feather under my cap and moved on. Next was Ocean State Job Lot.  Now.. have you ever been to one of those?  Everywhere you look, and I mean everywhere you LOOK!!!… are a hundred boxes of varying sizes, mostly filled with “stuff” they are trying to sell, and some others that are randomly scattered and waiting for a purpose .. or something.  I thought – cinch! I can get one here for sure, right?  
So I tap on the shoulder of one salesperson and ask politely if I could have one of their many thousands of boxes for  chick rearing purposes.  
She said “oh nooo, we don’t sell our boxes, we recycle them.”  
 Me-   Oh, that’s great!  and my purpose would be a recycling of sorts, no?  Plus, I am more than happy to PAY you for a big box, I don’t care how beat up it is.  Can I do that?  PAY you for one of the ones I see sitting around?”   
 “No”… she says… “We really don’t give them to anyone, ever.”  
“What about that one over there, it’s really beat up and looks like you’ll be throwing it out soon, I can tape it back together and use it, would that one be OK?”.  
 “No. We use them all”.   
Can I talk to your manager?  Maybe He or she would be OK with me buying just one.. for my chicks. 
Manager is called – but doesn’t come to see me. The message is relayed.. “We recycle our boxes, we don’t give them away or sell them.. to anyone for any reason.”
Now it might appear right here that I think I’m something special and for ME they should make the exception.  I’m really not thinking along those lines, honestly.   No.. as I’m standing in that Job Lot looking at about 1,000 boxes, some full, some half empty, a whole f*ing stack of them in the middle isle EMPTY – I’m thinking it’s overkill to stick to your guns and not  let a person buy a F-ING USED UP BOX for her baby chicks. 
But.. sometimes you just gotta let it go.. so I went. 
Next stop was our trusty Appliance salesman who only had top and bottomless boxes last time I stopped in.  This time he had one that was indeed bottomless, BUT..  at this point I am more than willing to improvise. 
And Improvise I did…

 My old Egg Plant sign has withered away, so I put a new one up yesterday… just some stuff I found on sale at Michaels.  (love that store).  Now I may be crafty, but patient I am not.  So this will need to be touched up a bit.. letters crooked, splattered paint around the edges.  A job for another day…
    That about covers my egg-sellent  adventures for the day… 
 Meanwhile.. back in The House…  Agent Orange is twittering so fast as the FBI discusses lack of wire tap findings and possible R*ssia connections I’m surprised his fingers haven’t fallen off yet. 
Can we all agree it’s really childish and very un-world leader like to tweet horrific accusations with no evidence to back them because you saw it on Fox News? 
Can we all agree Russia wants: our relationship with our allies compromised…check
NATO undermined…check
Our world wide respect shaken…check …..
I will say it again- I love my country. I want to respect our leader. I think respect is earned and I think respect for the powerful office he holds is his responsibility first and foremost. I honestly believe not one single person on my friend list would conduct themselves the way 45 does if placed in that position, not one. Forget the news, forget policy, what does your conscience tell you. .. what does the decency you were raised with tell you.
