No business like snow business

 Record snow fall these past few weeks – Connecticut hasn’t seen this much snow all at once in a hundred years.  It’s stunningly beautiful, and a royal pain in the a** too. We’re about to get clobbered with another Nor’Easter on Tuesday – and no one knows where they’ll put it.  Our country roads in some places are down to one lane, people entering and leaving driveways aren’t visible because the snow is banked so high – roofs are caving in… two horse barns in a nearby town had casualties after their barn roof collapsed, and I got a frantic call from another barn owner today – looking for people willing to climb on a barn roof because it was about to collapse and the heavy wet snow needed to be removed. Our previous home that is not yet sold  burst two pipes and my MIL’s roof is leaking. SO… husband & son and his crew have been on snow removal duty and house damage repair for five days now and I think most are sitting on their very last nerve.  Our good friend Tim has a new solar panel installed on his property – a brilliant idea!..but comes with a heavy price, quite literally, when there’s heavy snow fall.  TIM, are you still with us?….

So what have I been doing?  I’m taking pictures, cooking and eating too much, taking care of critters, stocking the woodpiles and whining just a little. Most of these pics were taken with my iphone today while out walking with Ben… some with a little touch up from picnik –

  We’ve seen some of the most amazing sunsets on the back hill…
Tonight I’m looking at this… 

  The natives are restless, time to go rustle up some grub.  Stay warm my Northern friends.

23 thoughts on “No business like snow business”

  1. Sorry for your misery. And by Wednesday I might be close to that same state. They are calling for blizzard like conditions here with 10-15 inches of snow.
    It looks like if the snow was packed enough, the animals could step across the fence.
    Keep warm, and sending safe thoughts for your guys outside.

  2. I LOVE this chaos!!!!!! I look forward to the next storm. Yes – I can't stand all the snow days from school and the gym but guess what?! January FLEW! Because we were all pre-occupied! Bring IT ON!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx

  3. I found you over at Kim's blog, what a sweet lookin' QH is it by chance a zippo pine bar? I'm kinda miss all my horses,But may not in this weather..LOL… great sunset. happy trails.


  4. Snow can be a real pain to deal with, but those last photos are spectacular …. WOW, for lack of a better word!

  5. We are all getting very tired of snow and cold here! Another 4 – 8 inches overnight tonite and cold – by Tuesday morning it's supposed to be -25 (actual) with a high of 0. Last I heard we've had over 60 inches of snow this winter. Way more than usual. Makes it difficult to be positive and pleasant.

  6. Nice sunset shot, Karen… and jeez, with more snow on the way it could literally shut your area down. No roads = no business. This could have a financial effect on a few folks. We are expecting rain and slush. Would take a bit of that snow off your hands if I could… stay safe!


  7. We are already getting warnings on the television for the horrible rain, freezing rain, heavy snow, wind event that is starting here tomorrow sometime. Ugh. Tuesday and Wednesday just sound dreadful. I'm past thinking it is pretty, but grateful we haven't had as much as others.

  8. Wow! That is a lot of flipping snow! That last shot is STUNNING!!! Do you want to get mad at me? If so… read on… It was 75 here today and gorgeous! We had all the windows open, went for a bike ride, painted shelves outside and had an oyster roast! Don't hate me too much! Do you need to come for a visit? You are more than welcome!

  9. You take awesome pics, karen!

    The pics of Opie are priceless! Taking care of horses in frigid weather is always a major pain…but they are worth it!
    Keep us informed of your weather. At least you have blogging to keep you connected 🙂
    xo, misha

  10. Well, you Americans just do everything bigger and better 😉 That is quite a lot of snow. So sorry about the casualties at that barn. Weather is something we have to deal with. Only some people have to deal with more weather than others. Just saw on the news that the poor Australians have a hurricane or something coming their way. And they've just had all that rain. We Dutch are blessed that we live in a relatively mild climate.

  11. I feel for you Karen. We're bracing for this same storm today and tomorrow — up to 10 inches with 40 mph winds. My goal today is to move as much wood into the house as possible before it hits.

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Please be safe and stay warm.

  12. Sorry that Mother Nature has decided to dump ALL of the snow this winter on your area and for the headaches it's causing. We are expecting snow and ice this week, not a good mix when you are mountainous. Roba Dolce Treasure is my blog today, come for a visit!

  13. bRRRR..At least you get to stay home and keep the fires going ! Which is work in itself when it is that cold! Like you said Arizona was hit hard for those in the cnstruction business …your guys have to take work where they can get…I am enjoying your blog

  14. When you've never really lived in the snow, you don't understand what these storms can do to your life. What havoc you and your neighbors (and everyone else) are going through! Stay safe and warm.

    I must say though, that last photo is spectacular!

    The only thing cold around here is a bunch of goodies that arrived in my mail! Thanks!

  15. Hi Karen,

    Yes, this is Tim checking in. The solar array is doing just great. We generated 44kwh today,one of our best days so far.The only problem is that I choose to brush it off after each snow storm for max. production

    Ct sure has received our fair share of snow. I purchased a snow roof rake last week. I have 30inches of snow on the house and studio…working at get it off…a very large job.
    The last picture(sunset) is terrific..You should make it at least a 16×20 and hang it in the house……What a winter!!!..Stay warm!

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