No kidding

Me:  Hey dude, keep in mind.. pretty soon we should start looking at colleges.
Maybe we’ll start with  Sunny Valley U.  Whatdaya think?
Him:  Not going.
Me:   The hell you aren’t
So I’ll call and see when there’s an Open House
and we can take a tour.
Him:  It’s such a waste of time, I’m busy!
I’m not going.
Me:  How are you going to know what schools you’d like to apply to if you
haven’t been to them to see what they’re all about? 
Him:   Just google the ones that have a good weight lifting program
and show me the pictures. Then I’ll pick.

14 thoughts on “No kidding”

  1. Oh, the college search. What fun. And he sounds so excited!
    I do believe most parents have that same sort of discussion with their kids at one point.
    I'm sure he'll get enthused soon.

  2. He's a lefty!

    Lefty's just see things a bit differently.

    I know this because I'm a lefty!

    And I agree with Sam@ – that was your yes! Heh

  3. I believe your son is channeling my son from a few years ago! I think it's as boy thing, second child thing!

    Our son, the junior in college, still calls and sometimes jokingly says "do I have to go to school tomorrow," just like he did when he was little!


  4. Oh….I remember those days with my dad! I only wanted to get a degree in Equine Science. And he was not going for this. I was adamant that I wasn't going for a degree I had no interest in. He just didn't get it! How in the world could his daughter make a career in the equine business that would be well-paying and sustainable over the years? I did it.

    I think one of my proudest moments was about 15 years ago, when he asked if I wanted to add on to my degree and attend vet school and he would foot the bill. This finally let me know he was very proud of my career, as he isn't a very emotional man!

    Your boy will find his way. I just think he is going to need a big nudge from Mama! And by the way..good-looking young man :))
    xo, misha

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